perfect day
twins are in the garden,
I am seated watching them play,
The beauty around me is balm to my soul,
As the wind plays with the trees.
A butterfly goes from flower to flower,
Three birds are sitting in a row,
A squirrel is prancing on the line,
The blue sky makes me sigh.
A beautiful day has come my way,
It is God's gift to me....,
The twins are fighting for one' yellow flower,
So I have to run and see.
They are a source of joy to me,
Prasha and Lahiru are they,
At times they are a handful,
And time is flying on wings.
Very soon I have to leave them,
My heart is sad even now....
All I will have is a treasure chest,
Full of memories days spent in love.
Iranganie Jayatunge
when grandma died.
A few years later,
I saw some wrinkles
on her face,
and hair, going gray.
As time passed by,
mother, too, died.
I wept.
Now, after several years,
I see my reflection:
Some wrinkles are forming,
and a long tress is graying.
My young daughter
mocks into the mirror
standing behind me.
Alas, behind me!
Bandara Samarakoon |