Despite desperate tactics in South
Tigers get severe beatings in North

The true meaning of LTTE terrorism was worked out in the city during
the week, while the country was celebrating the 60th Independence Day on
February 04, but miserably failed in achieving their objectives despite
leaving some blood stains in some parts of the country.
However, the incidents unfolded that week exposed the true face of
the LTTE and its thirst for blood at a time they were being defeated at
the hands of the valiant Security Forces.
One of the most important factor emerged through these desperate acts
of the LTTE was that even the general public who had not believed or
rather had any doubts over the successes of the Security Forces in the
Wanni front, began to learn the state of desperation of the LTTE with
their method of reverting to primitive level terror operations witnessed
that week.
It was humiliating to note that the LTTE, which has been identified
by the top most nations of the world as the most ruthless terror outfit
of the world, is resorting to blasting transformers and exploding human
bombs just to kill a handful of civilians who had no connection with the
ongoing conflict.
These terror acts are not up to their 'standards' of terrorism if
they are that powerful in their strength, as they claim.
The international community, even at this decisive moment, should
realise how this terror outfit using innocent lives of Tamils for these
dreadful acts. They have descended from a level of using suicide bombers
to assassinate world leaders like former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv
Gandhi and former Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa, now to use
the same for civilian targets.
The female suicide bomber when she was young would have had plans for
her future but never to blow herself us when the Police were closely
following her, by killing the bystanders around her at the Fort railway
station. However, her efforts did not make any changes in the scheduled
plans for the Independence Day celebrations in Colombo. The ultimate
truth is that the Security Forces and the Police had been quite
effective in their security plans to detect these desperate suicide
cadres well within their security network though they could not stop the
female suicide bomber from exploding her suicide kit.
So far it is not clear what was the exact target though it was
patently clear that she had blown herself up as she could not get out of
the railway station due to the security plan which was in effect, in
view of the Independence Day celebrations.
The most unfortunate factor is that even the nations equipped with
most sophisticated mode of technology is not in a position to control
the menace of suicide bombers. So Sri Lanka is no exception.
But Sri Lanka with its long deal with the subject of suicide bombing,
has come a long way spotting these suicide bombers ahead of achieving
their targets even amidst pressures from the so-called Human Rights
Organisations who have no iota of knowledge on terror plans of the LTTE.
That was the success achieved by the intelligence network of the
Security Forces and the Police which came under immense threat from the
LTTE at the beginning when the Ceasefire Agreement came into effect.
Therefore, the those Human Rights Organisation and political leaders
who pointed their fingers at the Security Forces and the Police for
violating the human rights of innocent Tamils once they detected them
prior to accomplishing their missions should bear the responsibility for
endangering the security in Colombo and also in other parts of the
country, by exposing these intelligence operatives of the Security
Forces, impeding their operations to keep Colombo secure from terror
On the other hand they should realise the fact that by doing so they
were also encouraging the Tiger outfit to send more and more innocent
Tamil civilians on suicide missions disguised as civilians if the LTTE
is allowed to operate freely within Colombo.
The other side of the coin is that these innocent Tamils are
violating the thousands of other people's right to live in a peaceful
environment. Therefore, those who highly concerned about human right
violations should now raise their voice against the LTTE which was the
main cause for all violations in the country.
They should raise their voices against the LTTE to shun violence and
stop their terror operations, if they really want to ensure that the no
human rights violations is taking place in the country.
So there won't be any necessity to bring in international observers
to monitor the violations. Even if they are invited they will also
become one in the crowd wasting public money, like the now defunct Sri
Lanka Monitoring Mission, counting the violations but without taking any
action against the violators.
On the other hand the prime aim of all other HR violations, as the
international community claimed that the Security Forces and the Police
had committed, were aimed at getting rid of this grass root cause to
ensure that no human right violations are taking place in the country.
The Security Forces and the Police or the Government in power is
taking legitimate actions to curb terrorism in the country. If the
international community tries to impose restrictions on its actions they
also become part and parcel of the section of society who are aiding and
abetting the LTTE terrorism.
Therefore, it is high time for the Tamil Diaspora across the globe to
think twice before raising funds for this terror outfit, as they
themselves fund an organisation or perhaps an individual, with an
illusion claims to be the protector of the Tamil community to endanger
the lives of innocent Tamil civilians in vain. The harsh truth is now
exposed to world through the desperate acts of the LTTE. So it is now
time for the international community to bring pressure on the LTTE to
join the path of negotiations like other militant groups who gave up
arms to go on the path of democracy at a time the Government is
preparing to implement political solution to end the ethnic conflict the
in the North and East.
Even the Southern community who were not willing to accept the fact
that the LTTE has become so weak in the Wanni and commenced realising
the genuineness of the Government claims, through the desperation of the
LTTE which showed off during the 60th Independence Day celebrations.
They understood the ulterior motives of the LTTE by engaged in these
desperate acts and acting very wisely after standing firmly behind the
Security Forces efforts of eradicating terrorism from the country. That
was why they did not overreact to one of the most sensitive issues in
the recent past in which eight of the innocent students of the D. S.
Senanayake Vidyalaya were killed in the suicide blast inside the Fort
railway station.
If not for the patience of the general public and their clear
understanding of the problem that would have been another cause to
create an ethnic backlash in the country, like the black July 1983.
Instead of falling into the trap of the LTTE people of this country very
positively responded, by strengthening the hands of the Security Forces
and the Police to further strengthen the security in the country and to
prevent LTTE from carrying out such desperate acts.
These are very positive indications by the general public towards
Government efforts of eradicating terrorism in the country.
They are now ignoring the voices of the opportunistic politicians who
are ready to use even these sensitive issues to grab power. So the
Security Forces should also determine to keep that trust forever by
making their aspirations a reality.
As the LTTE failed in their all endeavors to turn tide against the
Government through their sheer desperate acts, they have now realize d
there is no escape for them in the Wanni battle front.
Rapid changes have been made in the Wanni battle front during the
past few days. Realising the fact that the female cadres cannot face the
Security Forces in the battlefront in the West of Vavuniya the LTTE has
deployed many of their hardcore cadres to their bunker lines in Madhu
It was after realising the fact that the fall of Wanni will be
expedited if they lose ground in Madhu, which has been maintained by
them as their main defence line in West of Vavuniya, the LTTE has
increased the number of cadres there.
The troops attached to 7 Sinha Regiment under the command of Lt.
Colonel Kithsiri Liyanage under 572 Brigade faced stiff resistance from
the LTTE with these new development after LTTE inducting a Tiger leader
called Weeramaran to lead the Tiger cadres there in Madhu sector.
It seems that the LTTE is determined not to allow the Security Forces
to capture Madhu since it will be humiliating defeat for them. Moreover,
the fall of Madhu, definitely will expedite the Security Forces efforts
in liberating Wanni, making the predictions made by the Security Forces
Chiefs about the defeat of LTTE within this week.
But, it seems the LTTE is late in their reactions to the Security
Forces as they are not in a position to turn the tide against them.
The troops are poised to capture many of their strategic townships in
the Vavuniya battle front including Sinnapandivirichchan hich is the
main township prior to the Madhu shrine.
On the other hand troops attached to the 9 Gajaba Regiment operating
with the support of the Special Forces troops are now in full control of
Mullikulam town. The fall of these strategic locations will definitely
put the Security Forces to take the upper hand in the Wanni battle
As the 57 Division under the General Officer Commanding Brigadier
Jagath Dias is taking these hits, the Task Force -1 operating in the
Mannar sector under the command of Brigadier Shavindra Silva also poised
to take vital grounds in the Mannar front.
The troops of the TF-1 on Friday captured the area south of Adampan
tank which includes the tank bund area. Though the area was called
Adampan tank, the tank is no longer there to cater the cultivation needs
of the people.
The troops operating in the Adampan East also advanced towards
Adampan in another front making it difficult for the LTTE cadres to
operate in Adampan town.
With these advances the troops in the Mannar front is poised to take
the full control of Adampan area in the North of Mannar.
In the same breath the newly formed 59 Division too marching towards
Wanni from Kokkuthuduvai Weli Oya sector removing Tiger threats in the
Weli Oya sector.
It is in the Muhamalai, Nagar Kovil and Kilali fronts the LTTE is
getting a heavy beating with troops destroying their bunker lines on
daily basis without giving any room for them to construct their bunkers.
With these development many of the LTTE vital grounds in the Wanni
are now poised to fall to the hands of the Security Forces as the LTTE
is beaten up from all fronts further compelling for to engage in more
desperate acts as they see no escape from the troops. |