Recognising bravery
Gallantry Awards 2008:
by Anushka Nanayakkara and Sajitha Prematunge
[email protected]
That 'line' caught our eyes immediately. It was stuck neatly on the
bottom of the map of Sri Lanka, hanging on the wall of the office of a
military personnel.
We rummaged through our bags to pull out the pen and paper as any
journalist, would do while the military officer watched, amused. The
verse somehow concised, the service rendered by the forces, usually
taken for granted. We were intent to use it in our writing, hoping it
would touch everyone in the same way it did to us.
"It's the soldier, not the reporter,
who has given us the freedom of the press
It's the soldier, not the poet,
who has given us the freedom of speech
It's the soldier, not the politicians,
that ensures our rights to Life,
Freedom and the pursuit of Happiness.
It's the soldier who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag.
Face to face, on air or in the deep blue ocean they all have one
mission, it is to safeguard our country by destroying the enemy even at
the risk of losing their own lives.
Believe it or not, the commitment is extremely remarkable, from the
time of joining as a cadet until they reach the battleground. When
entering the battlefield they leave all their pleasures and sorrows
behind. They have one aim and one aim only; to fulfil their duty as a
son of Mother Lanka. At times they come back and sometimes they don't,
whichever it is, they go into the history book as heroes.
The Gallantry Awards was formed to appreciate our heroes of the three
Forces, Army; "Api wenuwen api", Navy; "Rata weta ran weta" and Air
Force; "Surakimu Lakambara". The decoration of the "Parama Weera
Vibushanaya" is granted to all ranks of the three Forces for their acts
of gallantry and remarkable bravery when facing the enemy in the most
exceptional circumstances. The personnel to whom the decorations are
awarded, are recommended by the commanders of respective forces.
The awards, all medals which are silver gilt, were presented by the
President Mahinda Rajapaksa on January 24. The Parama Weera Vibhushanaya
is presented for bravery of most exceptional order while on active duty,
with the objective of safeguarding the lives of comrades or facilitating
the operational aim of the force.
The Weerodhara Vibhushanaya is presented for bravery of a
non-military nature, with the objective of safeguarding the lives of
people in jeopardy or for meritorious acts of a humane nature, displayed
in saving lives from drowning, fire, rescue operation in mines, floods
and similar disasters, at a risk to their own lives.
The Weera Wickrema Vibhushanaya is presented for gallantry and
bravery of a military nature of a high order while on active duty, with
the objective of safeguarding the lives of comrades or facilitating the
operational aim of the force and meritorious acts of a humane nature,
displayed in saving lives from drowning, fire, rescue operation in
mines, flood and similar disasters at a risk to their own lives.
The Rana Wickrema Padakkama is presented to those who have displayed
individual or associated acts of bravery performed voluntarily in the
face of the enemy.
The Rana Sura Padakkama is presented to military personnel who have
displayed distinguished conduct in the face of the enemy. |