Pop Idol Michelle fascinated by Sri Lanka
by Mahes Perera
[email protected]

Pop Idol Michelle Mc Manus.
"All This Time" turned out to be a winner for Michelle Mc Manus when
the public voted her into the finals of Pop Idol (UK) in 2003. They
considered her the bookmaker's rank-outsider and when on December 20 she
was declared the winner Michelle Mc Manus was more than overjoyed.
"I used to watch the American Pop Idol while working at the Marriott
Hotel and was encouraged to apply for it. I didn't take it seriously. A
year later the application came for the audition and I sent it for a
lark-thinking 'oh well this is not for me' but I'm lucky if it comes my
way" says a smiling Michelle as she recalls the moments.
Of the for judges she says Simon Cowell was her favourite, although
many don't like him. Michelle will be releasing her second CD at the end
of April. The single from it Just For You was a No. 1 chart hit in
November last year. "My first album "Meaning of Love" the single 'All
This Time' was on the Sony BMG label but my new CD Different Beat will
be on my label Mc Manii.
There are thirteen songs on it in pop up beat and dance beat. Winning
the Pop Idol opened up many doors for me. I travelled a lot for the past
four years singing at many concert stages - it was an experience. I want
to run a future in the recording business."
When did acting come along. We read that you played a role in Vagina
Monologues? "I love drama. I had no chance to persue drama after school.
I thought I should spread my wins and accepted the part in Vagina
Monologues. I was thrown into the deep end, it was a hard play but it
was a wonderful experience.
I free lance now joined the British Theatre Play house and played the
role of Sadie in their production "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice". I
enjoyed my role, I didn't have to sing. We had quite a tour.
We started in Singapore in January, then we went to Kuala Lumpur,
Bangkok and now were here in Colombo. When we go back I return to my
broadcasting. I'm presently on Scottish radio stations Clyde programme
'Lets Do the Show Right Here.
This is an informal programme for the young while on BBC Radio
Scotland I do a more serious one," reveals Michelle who is an
accomplished pianist and violinist and sings regularly in the church
choir. "Sri Lanka is a wonderful country and I'm coming back to enjoy
the hospitality and the scenic beauty of the country" was Pop Idol
Michelle's parting shot.
Hilarious... absolutely hilarious
by Mahes Perera
[email protected]

Little Voice (Rachael Wood) in performance.
"The Rise and Fall of Little Voice" was a rollicking comedy,
punctuated with many laughs even though it centred around a young girl
nicknamed Little Voice who had the amazing talent to imitate the singing
voices of many leading singers on the albums left to her by her late
She lives with her mother and hardly even speaks. Rachael Wood who
played the role of Little Voice has to be congratulated for her
performance as the shy LV who makes a comic hash of her first
performance at a club with a lot of prompting from the wings and ends up
singing Happy Birthday not knowing what to do.
But by the time the play ends this vulnerable girl acquires
confidence and sings a medley of well-known great songs like Somewhere
over the Rainbow, Big Spender, No Regrets so different from her singing
in her bedroom. Rachael Wood in her music career has stared in many
musicals in UK like 'Follies', 'There's No Business Like, Show
Business,' 'Rave On', 'The Story of 'Buddy Holly' and 'Chess' to name a
Mari Hott the mother of Little Voice played by Sandra Duncan was a
natural as the foul mouthed, hard drinking mother who constantly bullies
her daughter with hilarious dialogue and remarks.
The actor who played the owner of the club produced many a laugh with
his style of acting and compering. John Mc-Adle as Ray Say the Smooth
talking boy friend of Mari who sees the chance of making money out of
the talent of LV added to the complications of the plot and to the
hilarity of the play.
Billed as a modern 'northern comedy' the script of the play had many
laughs and with the music and singing was a pleasant evenings
entertainment with quirky characters, played well by the cast.
Creative Hewisi beats
A concert 'Cultural Collabo' featuring the Hewisi bands of Bishops
College, Ladies College, Carey College, Methodist College, D. S.
Senanayake Vidyalaya, Museaus College and S. Thomas' College was held at
the S. Thomas' College Chapel steps recently.
The concert which featured the sounds of Thammattama, Geta Bera,
Dawula, Yak Bera and flute was organised by S. Thomas College Mt.
Lavinia. According to their leader Shanel Fonseka "each year we are
well-known for doing something different. We were the first Hewisi Band
to have featured electric guitars and a magnificent drum orchestra".

The Thomian band in practice. |