Valentine is not Clementine
by Panchamee Hewavissenti
[email protected]
Valentine's Day is 72 hours away. Do our youth know who the real
Valentine is? Or are they yet trekking on the wrong path with a wrong
perception about Valentine?
In the early days of bygone century, popular western music star Doris
Day sang the heart rending composition - "Oh! my darling Clementine" -
Yes, there was much love and romance in the lyrics meant for Clementine.
Love is a beautiful ornament but, a double edged razor too.
Valentine's story goes beyond the boundaries of what Clementine endured.
Today, we talk of 'Love' in this column with Valentine's day round the
corner. Reading down you would know the role of Valentine in its correct
Someone once defined a great lover thus "A true lover is a person who
can satisfy one person in his life long trek and can be satisfied by
that person throughout his journey.
A true lover is not someone who goes from person to person. Any dog
can do that". Since hypocrisy and unfaithfulness are abundantly observed
in society today, the above phrase appears to have a great impact. Love
is a most sought after word everywhere on earth. Pristine love is hard
to find and define.
Patterns of love
Love exists in many forms. It is often an intriguing tiding. Love is
not always a manifestation of a relationship between two people of
opposite sex. Love can have many interpretations.
The story of Majnoo's love for Laila is well known. His extreme love
for her killed him. Whereas the story of Korah, it was the love of
wealth. And for the Pharaoh it was the love of the position and power.
Love origins in the heart of a mother as she sees her newly born
child's face. Love of a mother is sublime, which doesn't go parallel
with any kind of love in the world. It is a blend of care, attachment
and sentiments. For a mother, her child is the most precious thing in
the world.
Mother offers her portion of food to the child and satisfy his hunger
while she starves. That is the mother's love. Love of a father is quite
different and pragmatic than that of a mother. Where as the love of a
child could not be as deep as that of parents.
Parents' love is dedicated, profound and serious. It does not exist
in a romantic relationship or any other union. It has its own
characteristics and feathers that are unique from other types of love.
One can also receive love from one's siblings which is based on
fulfilling the other sibling's requirements with advice and guidance.
Love from a sibling doesn't remain as it is throughout or in the same
quantity. It has fluctuations with the advance of the time, commitments
and responsibilities.
A real love requires commitment, attachment, intimacy, mutual
understanding and mutual respect. If one or many proponents are lacking
in a relationship the strength of the relationship could retrogress.
Caring for each other and giving an assurance of safety, investing
the time and energy and affection are necessary to make the partner feel
important are essential to maintain a sound romantic courtship.
Intimacy is another factor which determines the closeness and the
familiarity of the relationship.
There is no psychological explanation as to what the basic reason for
a person to be a hypocrite in love.
Social instances often show that a person cheats his lover simply for
material gain and temporary pleasure.
A pseudo - lover is often very attractive and has a wonderful
charisma to attract the partner.
He often manages to win the other's heart by use of astonishing
selection of nice words and gestures.
A false lover tries to avoid direct eye contact with the partner,
neglects his or her needs, and maintains a selfish and headstrong
attitude in his or her dealings with the partner.
Secret love
This type of love is characterised by its passionate and impulsive
nature even in the events unfolded in the world history. These lovers
carry on a concealed love affair to keep safe from social taboos,
cultural conventions, moral standards and social hindrances.
The most conspicuous example of secret love is extra - marital love
where either party or one party is married. Secret lovers take special
care to keep everything in their affair hushed up from outer world.
And often the closest friends of a secret lover is unaware of it.
Sometimes lovers who are too much close in family relationship, maintain
their affair believing that their marital union will never materialise.
What really happens in secret relationship is that two persons who have
no chance of having a public union, develop an affair after observing a
single attractive trait in the other.
These kind of affairs seldom have long life span because they can
split off at any point. Commitment between extra marital partners is
hardly found because they have separate family union and
responsibilities. They can't be as free as teenage lovers since they
have to look for children's needs, family affairs etc.
Doubts or suspicions often undermine the strong foundation and
existence of romance. Therefore it is the fundamental driving force
which could cause any strong bond deteriorate in seconds.
Lovers with sound mutual understandings and proper cognition of
social reality are not the victims of doubt. Doubts in love cannot be
justified. But in some instances they can be justified. Doubts often
arise between persons who are not confident and dubious in their
Unless they come to a negotiation and compromise, the relationship is
bound to shatter in no time. A person may have behavioral traits which
inevitably produce misunderstandings in the partner and finally the
person must mend his ways after the discussion between the two.
Ardent love
Ardent love is hard to distinguish. It is deceitful and has its own
fetching and unbridled attributes. Many people fall in love with
appearances and beauty. Such love could besiege with anxiety and
incessant misery.
The message of ardent, unrequited love is abundantly found in lyrics
and music. Some people take the lust or desire as principles of their
love and are probably led astray without being able to discover or feel
the pulse of love.
St. Valentine
There is a myth in society that February 14, Valentine's day is
dedicated for lovers to share their romantic feelings, whimsical cards,
fancy gifts, expensive meals and picnics. The celebrations on that day
is basically an idea planted by many commercial media and black
The concept of celebrating Valentine has become a trend in society
and young adolescents have received the message of Valentine as a day
that every bachelor or spinster should celebrate Valentine's day with
their partner by sharing expensive items in vivid colours, especially
designed for Valentine's day.
The origin of the Valentine's day was taken place in Rome in order to
commemorate St. Valentine also called as St. Valentinus. St. Valentine
was one of the martyrs of ancient Rome who helped lovers to get married.
In order to honour his noble service, the day the saint was martyred
was declared a holiday in Rome and lovers from many places gathered
around to ritualize the martyrdom of St. Valentine. In ancient Rome it
was merely a commemoration but later it spread over the world. The
current interpretation of Valentine is an absolute deviation of the
rationale of commemorating St. Valentine.
The commercialisation of the commemoration of St. Valentine has
imposed upon society many a harmful consequence. Young people are
entirely misdirected and enticed by marketing strategies promoted by
some money-making institutions to make easy money using the little
knowledge among youngsters about the Valentine's day celebrations.
Some media spearheads in organising Valentine's day celebrations
around the city conveying the message of the Valentine's day as a
compulsory celebration among lovers without which, one can't be a good
There was a heart breaking story of a school girl who wanted to
celebrate Valentine's day because of a false message conveyed through
some irresponsible media.
The sixteen year old girl had many friends and everyone of them had
love affairs while she was left single without a partner. Her friends
had gone out with their lovers to celebrate and enjoy the Valentine's
This young girl felt sad and reprehensible of not having a partner.
What happened ultimately was that she chose a married trishaw driver as
her Valentine to spend her day. The medical reports stated that the girl
had been raped by the trishaw driver.
Love, youth and spirituality
Reluctantly we have to admit that youth is not in spiritual periphery
which immensely help them to uplift the goodness in a romantic
relationship. Only a handful of such young people could be found in
society who can strain the spirit of virtues, commensurate with their
love life.
Many a lover in the contemporary society are driven by the
ostentatious proponents which lead them astray or bring detrimental
They are not hesitant to spend what ever amount of money in order to
buy lovable nothings for their lovers such as flowers, fancy ornaments
and so on. They seldom tend to spend the money they earn for a fruitful
investment which both the party will be benefited now or later.
The traditional way of celebrating Valentine's Day is by spending a
lot of money over many trifle things which will help only black
marketeers to uplift their financial status. In the twenty first
century, as educated, knowledgeable and civilized generation the youth
should know to celebrate Valentine in an innovative and meaningful way
without giving much priority to illusive events take place in society.
The learned youth will pause for a moment to ponder an ingenious way
of commemorating the martyrdom of St. Valentine without wasting money.
The wisest thing is to invest that money for a beneficial purpose
which will really add value to youth. |