Fishtails sea swim Feb 17
SEA SWIM: Fishtail Aquatic Club, Mutwal-one of the oldest swimming
clubs in the country, has revived the sea swim after lapse of couple of
years and the open two-kilometre sea swim will be held on Sunday
February 17 off the Mutwal beach starting at 8.00 a.m.
According to Rodney Silva, Club captain and coach, only swimmers
registered with the Sri Lanka Aquatic Sports Union for the year 2007
will be permitted to participate. Entry forms have been already
circulated and entries will close today, February 10. Only ten swimmers
are allowed from a club or school to participate.
The swim will start opposite the club house, the turning point will
be at the Navy boat (flying the national flag) stationed one-mile from
the starting point. The competitors will swim back towards the starting
point on the same route for the finish.
The men's and women's winner will be presented the Fishtail AC
Challenge Trophies.
The youngest swimmer boys and girls and the oldest swimmer (men) will
receive prizes. Upali Sahabandu Challenge Trophy will be awarded to the
men's overall champions.
The awarding of points for overall championships first place (30
points) second (25), third (20), fourth (17), fifth (15), sixth (14),
seventh (13), eighth (12), ninth (11), tenth (10), eleventh (9), twelfth
(8) thirteenth (7), fourteenth (6), fifteenth (5) meanwhile swimmers
placed 16th to 20th will receive 3 points each and 21st to 25th
positions 2 points each.
- L.F. |