Standardising processes biggest challenge in banks
The challenges facing banks in Sri Lanka are internal and
organisational in nature.
According to a survey themed Changing mindsets a survey on Compliance
and risk management readiness done by i-flex solutions the banks are at
the early preparatory stages of improving their risk and compliance
framework by rationalising decision-making, operational and
administrative processes across different business units and applying
rules and policies.
As the banks are in the midst of reviewing the resources, skills
technology and investment are required for the next steps.
Twenty-two per cent of the respondents said that standardising
processes is the biggest challenge when implementing risk and compliance
within the bank.
The other two important challenges confronting the banks are the need
for available skilled staff and the need to overcome perceptions
concerning the cost of implementation.
Among the challenges rated most important data related issues emerged
ahead of the need for clear guidelines from regulatory bodies for banks
in Sri Lanka in risk and compliance implementation.
The respondents’ concerns over data related issues are influenced by
two reasons which include the Sri Lankan regulatory authority indicating
it only requires banks to comply with minimum risk management
requirements for Basel 11.
Although the Central Bank has expressed the need for banks to take a
graduated road map approach to more advanced risk management approaches
it has not set any specific requirement and time line.
In addition given that the banks are now at the early stages of
establishing the right internal processes, staff and budget to meet
compliance and risk management implementation needs data availability
and validation. It will pose bigger challenges to the banks as the
implementation process continues.
Saloni Ramakrishna, Principal Architect for Risk and Compliance
Solutions, Asia Pacific and Japan, i-flex solutions and also the lead
for the survey said.
“The need to build internationally aligned risk and compliance
frameworks and the need to address the critical issue of Basel norms on
one side and combating the twin menace of Money Laundering and terrorism
financing on the other is a priority for a systematic and integrated
approach to Risk and Compliance initiatives for Sri Lankan banks.
This thinking is in line with the global trend of convergence and
integration in the Risk and Compliance space”. “An interesting fact from
the survey findings is that “clear guidelines from regulators” do not
figure in the top three concerns which is refreshingly different from
the findings in some other parts of Asia. This clearly goes to the
credit of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka,” she added.
i-flex(r) solutions (Reuters: IFLX.BO and IFLX.NS), majority owned by
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