for writing
Although there are no writing schools in Sri Lanka many of us want to
write and sell our articles. Our magazine market is relatively small
when compared to newspapers, In Fact, magazine and newspaper editors are
constantly on the lookout for new writers.
The first hurdle a new writer has to overcome is finding a subject
matter to write about. Apart from Fiction, you can try your hand at an
instructional article of the do-it-yourself variety. Such articles have
a ready market in women’s magazines.
On the other hand, you can write a travelogue after visiting an
interesting place in Sri Lanka or abroad. Once I had the fortune in
travelling on board “Nippon Maru” - a Japanese ship. Immediately after
my trip I wrote “Fragrant memories of Nippon Maru” to a national daily.
There are exceptional people around us if you observe them carefully.
Do you know that the oldest local politician is living in Matugama? The
96-old-vegetarian, teetotaller and non-smoker goes for a two-mile walk
every day. He was interviewed by Lal Kannangara and the interview
appeared in the Sunday Observer last week. Such celebrities very often
cross our path. So be vigilant.
Real life offers more material for writing than fiction. Every
individual is moulded in a different way. And every person might have a
story to tell you.
Sometimes, you might give a lame excuse and say that you have no time
to meet celebrities. Even then there are a host of other subjects you
can write about.
If you look at your environment carefully, there is enough raw
material for a feature. For instance, mounting garbage heaps are a big
problem for many local government bodies. However, the chairman of the
Bandaragama Pradesheeya Sabha is reported to have solved the garbage
problem in his area. In fact, I hear that he is willing to buy garbage
from neighbouring areas!
Another problem we are facing is the mosquito menace. Although
journalists have written many articles on this subject, there are
certain uncovered areas. An enterprising writer can find but the mating
habits of the common mosquito and discuss the possible health hazards of
mosquito coils.
In order to write an article to a magazine or newspaper, you do not
have to be an expert. You can interview an expert and get his views on a
given subject. Interviews are a good way of writing articles on a wide
range of subjects. Interviews also help you to meet interesting people
who have divergent views on different subjects. Those who interview such
people and write readable articles are in great demand.
Apart from such interviews, you can turn to your life experience to
produce many articles. Everybody, even a student, has some experience in
life to write about. As a student I was thrilled to witness how a
kattadiya (charmer) was trying to catch a thief by using a “kanappuva”
(a three-legged stool).Kattadiya placed his forefinger on the kanappuva
and two of his assistants helped it to “walk”! I was rather dismayed
because the kanappuva did not walk on its own. What happened finally was
an interesting episode.
The kanappuva “walked” and Finally stopped at a bystander- one of the
most innocent villagers. Kattadiya caught him by the hand and handed him
over to a mudalali (businessman) who hired him. If not for the timely
intervention of a Buddhist monk, the innocent villager would have been
beaten to a jelly by mudalali’s men.
Suppose you are an ordinary housewife leading a dull and battered
life. You have raised two or three children and some of them are living
happily abroad. Your husband is bed-ridden. You have no one to talk to
except the grandchildren who might call from distant places. The
experience you have had as a mother and housekeeper is unique and only
you can write about it in an interesting way.
This is where writing experts come in to help you. They will show you
how to find a different angle, a different slant or even a fresh
approach to the story you are going to write. The University of Sri
Jayawardenepura conducts a Diploma in creative writing in the Sinhala
medium. However, those who wish to write in English have no such course
to follow locally. Without the guidance of an expert the beginner can
turn out many articles but he will not be able to sell them.
Before you write an article you have to do a sales survey. Those who
keep on writing without doing a market research will find that their
articles are never published in magazines or newspapers. Once a beginner
wrote an article on how to make the best out of odd moments and sent it
to a society magazine. It was not published because no market research
had been done.
There is another matter that needs your attention. Some publications
prefer to publish long stories with a few pictures or illustrations. On
the other hand, some magazines use short texts with a lot of pictures.
For instance, the “Filmfare” magazine is an example for the second
category. It does not carry long stories because the emphasis is on
glossy pictures of filmstars.
Unless you follow a course in writing and learn the basics, you can
only collect more rejection slips than cheques. Those who ignore the
rules of the game are simply putting the cart before the horse!
Those who do the market research First and then write their stories
are on their way to success. Many people in their retirement feel that
they can become freelance journalists overnight. When they find that
their contributions are rejected they give up writing. What they should
remember is that editors are not interested in their personal
experiences or tutorials.
Those who wish to become writers should follow at least a short
course in journalism. It is a skill without which you cannot write even
that occasional one-off story. If you have learnt the proper skills, you
might get commissions from editors to write stories. Such established
freelance writers are not so rare in Sri Lanka.
Our magazine and newspaper market is relatively small compared to
that of foreign countries. In a way, this is a blessing for the
beginner. The first step in market research is to read all the magazines
and newspapers published in the island. If you cannot afford to buy them
read them at a public library.
Gradually you will find the magazine or newspaper to you liking,
study what type of articles they carry and try to write similar stories.
When once you establish yourself as a writer in your own country, it is
quite easy to enter the foreign market.
Finally, never send hand-written manuscripts to a magazine or
newspaper. Since we are living in the Digital Age, use modern techniques
to present a neatly produced copy. The contents and the appearance of
the manuscript are matters you cannot ignore.
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