Preparing for Exams?
Focus on questions, not just answers:
by Mary Wilson
Well, it's exam time again. Your notes are organized, the reading's
done, and now you've got to study for the exam. Dreading the ordeal?
Here's a trick good students use to get ready: think like an instructor
instead of a student.
Preparing and answering practice questions will help you focus on
what's important and boost your confidence. Follow these three steps to
be ready come exam day:
Step 1:
Identify the most significant parts of the course. Not everything is
equally important. Begin with the most important areas.
Does the course syllabus or outline include goals for the course?
There's your first clue. Review them to remember what your instructor
thinks is crucial. Look at the course outline and think about what
actually went on.
If your history class spent three weeks discussing factors that led
up to the American revolution, and only a couple of days on life before
independence, it's a good bet the exam will have a similar focus.
Now turn to your notes. If you've been faithfully making notes in
lectures, the number of pages on each topic will give you a hint about
the importance of each area.
Your last crucial source for identification of key points is your
textbook, or other assigned readings. Don't read them again now! Your
purpose in this step is to develop a rough map of the territory, not to
explore all the highways and byways. Scan the titles and chapter heads
to remind yourself of some of the most significant areas.
Step 2:
Identify the kinds of questions that will be asked.
There are several ways to identify the kinds of questions you'll
find. Ask your instructor - the most reliable source for what kind of
questions are and are not on the exam. Often the subject will give you a
clue as to the type of questions you'll encounter. You're less likely to
find essay questions on a math test than on a lit final.
If you've taken an exam from this instructor before, review it. Were
the questions multiple-choice? Short answers? Analytical essays? Chances
are the instructor's style won't have changed a lot. Check with the
library or the student society to find out if there is a file of old
exams available.
Don't search for answers - just for questions. Don't try to predict
which of the old questions will be asked. That's usually a time-waster,
since most instructors change their exams. Instead, try to get a feel
for the way questions are asked.

But don't spend too long on step two. To be confident answering the
kinds of questions you'll be facing, the real confidence-booster is
writing some yourself.
Step 3:
Develop practice questions and answers.
Start with the easy ones - short answer questions. Begin with the
most important section of the course. Look through that section of your
notes, and course readings. If you find headings like "Three reasons…"
or "Five factors…" count yourself lucky. Questions like "What are the
eight characteristics of a successful marketing campaign,"" or "List
three factors that prolonged the economic depression of the 1930s," are
found on many a midterm and final. Don't forget course definitions -
your instructor won't. Especially in introductory courses, there are
usually some terms to learn. You can call it jargon, or academic
gobbledygook, but it's a sure thing that if your instructors have
explained it, they will expect you to understand it well enough to
provide a definition.
What do you do when you've found the examination questions? Write
them down, and underneath, write the answers. You'll find the answers
right where you found the questions- in your notes, and course readings.
However, don't waste your valuable study time making up multiple
choice questions for the test. They're tricky for professionals to
write, and you don't want to spend 3/4 of your time focusing on the
wrong answers!
Instead, write the questions that you think will be multiple choice
as fill-in-the-blanks. Make yourself an answer key, set the questions
aside for a couple of days, then take your stress-free prep test.
College essay questions are a little harder to write, which is only
fair, since they are a harder to answer well. Here your instructor
likely won't be looking for a simple definition, or a straight
repetition of what you have written in your notes. You need to provide
proof that you've read and understood the material, and can apply it in
practice, or demonstrate the point you're making using examples.
So what does that look like as a question? The kinds of words you
need here are words like "analyze," "explain" and "demonstrate." For
example, a literature exam might ask you to analyze or explain a
character's actions.
In chemistry, you might have to explain what happens when two
elements are combined in a particular way. Essay questions are often
looking for the 'why,' not just who or how.
But remember, you do not have to make this stuff up! Go back to your
notes and the college course outline. Can you phrase any of the
professor's stated goals as essay questions? Can you think of an essay
question that would be answered by a section of your notes?
When exam day dawns, of course, you'll need to answer the questions
the instructor poses, not the ones you practiced with. But the work
you've done in predicting and practicing with questions will give you
confidence to follow all that other good advice for exam-writing: read
carefully, manage your time, and enjoy showing your grasp of the course
material. |