US official to attend NKorea nuke plant demolition
SEOUL, A senior US State Department official will attend North
Korea's demolition on Friday of its nuclear cooling tower under an
international disarmament deal, the US embassy said.
Sung Kim, director of Korean affairs at the department, would witness
the blowing-up of the tower at the Yongbyon complex, a spokesman said
Yonhap news agency said the communist North is expected to hand over
its long-awaited nuclear declaration Thursday through its embassy in
The declaration is part of a six-nation nuclear disarmament pact. The
North is set to topple the tower the next day in the presence of foreign
TV crews as a symbol of its commitment to the process.
The embassy spokesman said Sung Kim, who has headed a US expert team
supervising disablement work at Yongbyon, is now in Seoul and would
cross the inter-Korean land border Thursday.
"I understand he will watch the blowing-up of the cooling tower at
the North Korean nuclear site," the spokesman said.