Jambukola and Mahatittha - The ports of ancient Sri Lanka
by Rohan Jayatilleke
The ports of ancient Sri Lanka played an important role both in the
foreign trade of the island as well as in the inter-oceanic commerce
between East and West.
The situation of the Island in the middle of the Indian Ocean and to
the extreme southern tip of the India Peninsula, resulted in Sri Lanka
being in a strategic position of the sea routes linking countries on
either side of the Indian Ocean.
Of necessity, the fleets of Chinese vessels transporting silks and
ceramicware for sale to the countries on the East African coast. Arabian
vessels carrying the spices of the East to European markets had to touch
at Sri Lanka ports, half-way in their sea routes for fresh water and re-victualling.
The Pali chronicles and the Sinhala literature as well as
inscriptions found scattered in the island provide a wealth of
information to garner the antiquity of navigational importance of Sri
Lanka ports.
Jambukola and Mahatittha are two ports frequently alluded to in the
Mahavamsa unfolding the earliest historical eras of the Island.
Presumably the origin of these ports are not datable, however, it could
be assumed without any predilection, that they were in existence long
before the colonization of the Island by Aryans in the sixth century BC,
by Prince Vijaya and his ministers and the retinues.
The pre-Buddhistic Jataka stories refer to many voyages by North
Indian merchants to Sri Lanka, but none of them refer by name to their
ports of call in the Island. The Valah Assa Jataka story No. 196 (Jatakas
Vol. 11, translated by W. H. D. Rouse) refer to merchants calling at Sri
Lankan ports for trade and also inhabitants amassing treasures by
salvaging ship wrecks.
In the Mahaniddesa Sri Lanka referred to as Thambapannidesha is one
of the countries with which Indian traders had trade relations with. (Mahaniddesa,
Pali Text Society Edition p. 154-155). Jambukola now identified as
Sambalthurai, in Kankesanthurai (Jaffna Peninsula) served as the port to
North India especially to Tamralipti in Bengal, which in turn was the
transit port to Sri Lanka.
In pre-Christian era Jambukola was exclusively the port of
communication with Bengal, by which Sri Lanka had close connection with
Bengal and also the port of entry to Aryans from North-East India. It
was through this port the envoys of King Devanampiyatissa in the third
century B.C. set out to the Court of Emperor Asoka of India.
This was the port through which the sapling of the Sacred Bodhi tree
of Buddha Gaya was brought by Theri Sangamitta to Sri Lanka during the
same period. Consequently the Jambukola Vihara was built there by King
Devanampiyatissa to commemorate this event.
Among the lesser ports mentioned in the Mahavamsa are Uratota (modern
Kayts), Uruvela on the western coast (referred to as Magana also)
Gokanna (Trincomalee) Pallavanka (the port through which King
Parakramabahu launched an invasion of Burma in the 12th century) and
Godavaya or Godapavata or Golugama in the Rohana at the estuary of
Valave river.
The first to be mentioned by name in the Mahavamsa, was the port
through which Vijaya’s second queen and wives for his followers reached
Sri Lanka.
However, Henry Parker, who was attached to the Irrigation Department
from 1873 to 1904, asserts in his work ‘Ancient Ceylon’ that
Panduvasdeva and the princesses in question landed at Gonagama of Ruhuna,
now identified as Godapavata.
This is a matter that now should be investigated into by the Southern
Cultural Authority. The writer in his investigative career in the public
service observed the site of Mahatittha port in Mannar in 1986, a vast
mound of piled ruins extending over 300 acres and a road excavated
during British times measuring 40 feet in width, leading to Anuradhapura.
The ruins of Roman pottery, coins and articles of foreign origins,
found here are listed in C. Rasanayagam’s ‘Ancient Jaffna’.
In the ‘Sangam’ literature of the Tamils, Mahatittha is referred as a
great port. Without an exception all invading armies from South India
landed at this port, attesting the concentration of Tamils in this
particular area.
The Muslim population of this area would have been Tamils earlier,
becoming converts of Islam later which is proved by the fact that Tamil
is the mother tongue of Muslims of Sri Lanka and Arabic only being their
scriptural language.
It was at Mahatittha that the Sacred Tooth Relic was landed from
Kalinga by the Royal couple (Danta and Hemamala). During this time, a
Hindu temple at Mahatittha changed the name to ‘Raja-raja-puram,’ in
view of the Hindu kovil named Rajaraja Isvarattu Mahadeva. A Chola
inscription mentions about another Hindu temple named Tiruviramisvaram
Udaiyar at this port.
Mahatittha was worshipped by the Sinhala Buddhists and it was
considered a grave crime to slaughter cattle here. Mahatittha too was a
centre of internal trade and the Sinhala literary work
Saddhammalankaraya refers to a trader of this port proceeding to the
interior of the Island for trading.
In the light of all these references one could conclude that
Mahatittha was the chief port of Raja-rata up to the end of the 12th
century. The finds of different types of pottery from Rome, Arabia and
China attest the fact that Mahatittha was the important port referred by
Cosmos (Archaeological Survey of Ceylon Annual Report, 1950, p.15).
The Hindu humanist Sundaramurthi Nayanar of the sixth century
mentions it as a port with many ships. The Hudud al alam written around
982 AD, states, “There is a large city called Muvas; it is situated at
the extremity which lies towards Hindustan. Whatever this island
produces is carried to that city and therefore to the cities of the
In the twelfth century King Parakrama Bahu I, organized a naval fleet
at Mahatittha to invade the Pandyan Kingdom. (Culavamsa verse 85) King
Nissanka Malla of Polonnaruwa in one of his inscriptions claims to have
built an alms hall (Mahapali) at Mahatittha.
This reference indicates that there were large monasteries in the
area with Buddhist monks. Mahatittha had lost its glory and importance
by the 15th century and Kokila Sandesa written during the 15th century
in the reign of King Parakramabahu VI giving a description of important
places on the western coast of the Island, does not refer to Mahatittha.
The rise of Colombo as the chief port of Sri Lanka, was in sequel to
the fall of Raja-rata and the shifting of the capital to
Jayawardhanapura - Kotte, thus ending the glorious and wondrous past of
Mahatittha that held sway then for fifteen centuries. It became history,
which is not known to the students of the post-independence-born
generation, as history is not a special subject taught in schools today.