US: Baby 'stolen' from mom's womb
PITTSBURGH: Authorities say a slain pregnant woman may have been
alive and was drugged when a baby was ripped from her womb, allegedly by
a woman who tried to pass the infant off as her own.
The eviscerated body of 18-year-old Kia Johnson was found bound with
duct tape, and wrapped in garbage bags. Her partially decomposed remains
were in the bedroom of Andrea Curry-Demus,
38, charged with homicide, unlawful restraint and kidnapping,
officials said.
Authorities said Curry-Demus, who served prison time in the 1990s for
snatching a 3-week-old baby girl from a hospital, took the baby boy to a
Pittsburgh hospital and claimed that it was her own. Authorities said
Johnson was 36 weeks pregnant.
-AP |