Antarctica - the icy desert
Antarctica is a great land mass located in the southernmost point of
the world. It is covered, not with trees, but with layers and layers of
frozen water, holding secrets that may still be unknown to man.
However, as each day passes by, this land mass once thought as great,
becomes lesser and lesser. It is essential that we save Antarctica, not
only for future generations to witness and explore, but also to save all
life that has remained on the Earth. If we do not, it is evident that we
face the same fate as the dinosaurs before us.

As a continent, Antarctica is by far the driest, coldest and windiest
continent on Earth. It is a huge land mass overlying the South Pole and
as a result all the land has been buried under tons of ice, due to it
being exposed to unbearably cold temperatures for eons (extremely long
periods of time).
Most of the water in Antarctica has frozen up, making it one of the
driest places on Earth. Due to these harsh conditions, very little
animal life exists. Of the few animals that do live in the Antarctic
region, the orca or killer whale, the ferocious leopard seal and the
magnificent Emperor penguin are the most significant. These amazing
animals are highly adapted to life in such a harsh place as Antarctica.
Antarctica is also a treasure trove of hidden mysteries and
unexploited secrets. Numerous clues that may help reveal these secrets
to the world lie in the depths of the Antarctic ice. A large number of
discoveries have already been made here such as the massive skeleton of
the woolly mammoth for example.
Antarctica is also one of the last deserted places on the surface of
the Earth. A colossal part of the continent has largely remained
unexplored, leaving room for even more significant discoveries.
Everything that’s been said all point to one critical fact; that we
should prevent the destruction of Antarctica at all costs.
But how are we really bringing this great continent into oblivion (a
state in which something has been completely destroyed)? Well, there’s a
good chance that you may be destroying it right now.
For every second a car is running or a gas tap is on, it brings
Antarctica one step closer to destruction. This is caused because of the
harmful gases called green house gases released as a result of these.
Some such gases are methane, CFC gas and the infamous CO3 or carbon
dioxide gas. These gases trap heat and eventually make the Earth hotter.
It does more than just make us feel bad.
The heat is destructive. It melts the glorious icy glaciers and the
vast plains of glacial dunes into nothing more than mere puddles. The
ice, once home to all those fantastic creatures sinks back into the sea
as if it was never there.
But as well as ridding the Antarctic animals of their home, the
disastrous gases contribute to the melting of ice which then flow into
the ocean and make the sea level rise.
The rising sea levels inundate land thus destroying the lives of
countless humans, and animals.
The message is clear, do all we can to save what’s left of Antarctica
and the Arctic or face extinction in the hands of nature’s fury.
Sachira Chandrasekera, Grade 7, Colombo
International School, Kandy.
Mother Nature’s gift to us
are very important for our survival. We get lots of things from trees
such as oxygen and food. We can’t live without trees.
Trees can protect bio-diversity and the water circle of the
environment. But because of destructive activities by people who are
selfish, trees and forests are being destroyed. Some people have
forgotten the laws of nature; they try to surpass nature. Lots of trees
are being cut for commercial purposes.
We are the most developed of all animals through evolution. Our
thoughts, behaviour and desires are different and advanced. But we have
to share this world with other animals and trees because we are
inter-dependent for our survival. We pollute the whole world. But we
don’t have a right to interfere with the peaceful lifestyles of animals
and their habitats.
As a result of such selfish activities, we will end up with a dead
planet in the future. Therefore, lots of conservation programmes to
protect the environment have been initiated especially in developed
countries such as recycling projects and other instruction services.
In order to protect the environment we must enact strict
environmental laws and educate the people. We must take every possible
measure to protect trees which are a valuable resource given to us by
Mother Nature.
Lakshika Chiranthi Gunarathna, Ke/Dudley
Senanayake Central College, Dummaladeniya, Warakapola.
of science on our lives
Science has certainly helped to improve the quality of our lives a
great deal. Inventions, such as electricity, the telephone, radio,
airplane, steamboat, television and computer have changed our lives in a
big way.
In the health field, science has helped make great strides. Today
parts of the human body can be transplanted due to research and
technological advances made in science. We are also able to contact our
relations living far away in a matter of seconds because of advanced
communication systems. The television and internet have brought the
whole world to our doorstep.
Man has invented submarines to descend into the depths of the ocean
and spacecraft to travel far into space. In the near future, it may be
even possible to travel from one planet to another. There is no limit to
these scientific inventions and discoveries. Out of all these new
scientific inventions, the computer is the most important.
Computers are programmed to fly aeroplanes, drive cars and even send
rockets to space. Computers have greatly reduced the use of manpower.
Man has also invented robots to do various complex and difficult tasks.
But unfortunately some of these developments have also had an impact
on the environment and even been instrumental in destroying the balance
of nature. Nuclear weapons and plants are a serious threat to the very
existence of the human race. Scientific inventions must be used for the
betterment of mankind, not for its destruction.
Bushra Uwais, Grade 8B, Ramanathan Hindu Ladies’
College, Colombo 14.
of newspapers
Newspapers play an important role in society. They bring us news from
all parts of the world. Newspapers have become a necessary feature in
our modern life. A newspaper is considered to be the cheapest means of
obtaining information both at local and international level. News on
almost every sphere is carried in the different pages.
There are pages allocated for each field - local news, foreign news,
sports news, political news, news on crimes, obituaries, advertisements
on various products, the editorial and articles written by readers.
There are also many competitions for children and adults with prizes
for winners. Children are very interested in participating in these
Newspapers educate the people and also keep them well informed. The
print media helps to form public opinion on many burning issues.
Newspapers are read by people of all ages as there is reading
material that is suitable for every one.
Newspapers render a great service. But it is important that a
newspaper should always be truthful and impartial. Then only it will be
popular among readers.
Fathima Hafsa Mohideen, Grade 9C (E.M), Al-Azhar
Navodhya School, Hemmathagama
Australia, a great country
Australia is a great place. This country has many cities like
Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin, Perth and Canberra. Many
fruits like bananas and mangoes found in Sri Lanka and other fruits like
strawberries, other types of berries and apples are available in
wonderful country has five states. They are Queensland, New South Wales,
Victoria, Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia.
There are lots of stores such as Woolworths, Target, Big W,K. Mart and
Garden City and lots of restaurants, fast food outlets such as KFC and
McDonalds, like in most countries around the world.
In Sydney there are lots of exciting places to visit like the Opera
House and the Sydney Harbour. In Melbourne there is a mountain called
the Blue Mountain. Before the settlement of people from other lands,
there were Aborigines on the continent. They now live on a rock called
There are lots of animals in Australia and two animals that are
native to this country are the kangaroo and koala. There are lots of
animal sanctuaries too. So, come to Australia, and enjoy this beautiful
Tharindra Maheasen Yapa, Thornlands State School,
Friends are fairies that make your wishes come true,
Friends are rays of sunshine on gloomy days too
They are by your side in happiness and tears,
And help overcome your problems and fears.
Friends guide you to what is right and wrong,
They make sure your sadness doesn’t last long,
They let you soak their shoulders when you cry,
They are always beside you as days pass by.
Friends are people, you can trust,
They keep your secrets and you too must
Choose your friends very carefully
Or your life will end up tearfully.
Ravini Abeywickrama, Grade 8, Stafford
International School, Colombo 7. |