Communication problems in relationships
Effective skills in communication are necessary to maintain and
increase the quality of our lives. If we can't communicate effectively,
we will be led in a direction we don't want to go.
Since you presumably have language in common, communication problems
in relationships are not caused by shortage of vocabulary. In fact, it's
an ironic thought that more words are exchanged in trying to sort out
communication problems than at most other times in the lifetime of a
Communication problems in relationships almost always come from a
clash of values.

One partner values safety and security, the other takes risks. Or one
is liberated in the bedroom, whilst the other is prudish and shy. It
could be said that, on a grander scale, it isn't only relationships that
suffer with this kind of communication problem: nations and cultures do
too. It's the root cause of all war!
Our image of a modern relationship is one of balance, trust,
understanding and mutual respect. The modern couple makes decisions
together and treat each other as equals, with no power relations, in bed
or elsewhere.
But in reality it can be more complicated, and old ways of thinking
and acting in love, borrowed from our grand-parents, can affect that
modern balance.
Broken and difficult relationships can be avoided by understanding
the principles of communication, and the pitfalls we encounter.
When we know and understand the process of communication, we can
actively implement the principles, avoid problems and become an
effective communicators that we all desire to be.
The language we use to symbolize reality is incomplete.
We will always leave something out when we're retelling a story
because we can never say everything about something. And the words we
choose to describe something are not reality.
They are our understanding of reality.There is a vital key here.
There is one belief, one fundamental value that you should share before
you get embroiled in a relationship with anyone.
Agree that the only thing that matters is your personal happiness.
And then both of you should agree that your focus will be on helping
each other to achieve that until death do you part.
If you give that, rather than seeing or feeling that the person is
your opponent, she or he will always be your partner in your feeling
good. And you will be his or hers. If you share that simple value
system, you will never, ever have communication problems in
relationships again. And maybe we'd have the beginning of world peace
Be careful in the words you choose. Be sure they symbolize what you
really mean. And when you're communicating with someone, ask questions
to clarify what the person really intends to say.
If you are unsure about what your colleague means when he tells you
he doesn't feel well, ask. Find out what his reality is.
Developing Your Communication Skills and abilities is a lifelong
Throughout our lives we are faced with challenges in communicating
effectively. You can learn to be a more effective communicator by:
1. Observing and imitating excellent communicators.
2. Learning from your own and others' mistakes.
3. Developing a conscious awareness of communication habits,
patterns, styles, strengths, weaknesses.
4. Applying principles of effective communication. |