Good bye, my trusted friend
We never thought it would end. But by the time you read this Anuki
might be on the other part of the globe and this may perhaps, be the
last entry to Memory Lane ever.
Intoxicated by the meds I am taking for a head ache, I am glad that I
am somewhat numb to the sorrow of separation. But I have no doubt that
the full blown effect of it would hit me a few weeks from now.
I had up to now kept my vigil, giving her the silent treatment. When
she first told me that she would be migrating soon, I was shocked and
blurted out with such stuff as 'will you email me?', 'can I text you
over there?', 'when are you leaving?',

'when will we meet last?', etc, etc... But as time dragged on, I
found it increasingly difficult to articulate the sense of loss I've
felt since she disclosed the matter.
I still remember the first time we met. She struck to me as the
bubbly person I normally didn't become best of friends with, someone
with hanging earrings, glittery lipstick and mascara. But she is the
sort of person who'd grow on you, until you won't remember having had
'fun' without her.
I was the first one in at the office, on that first day. I was so
jittery. She strode in, unsure but quite confident of her at the same
time. It was difficult to break the ice at first but we got along.
Finally it was time for us to meet the boss.
I asked her 'how's my hair?' and she smiled saying 'that's the
problem with girls.' From then on, it all went on like a breeze. We had
our ups and downs but we always made up.
Well as Samadhi mentioned we did click from the very beginning and
had not only a friendship but also a sisterly bond. Although we were
poles apart in appearance to be called sisters, we always thought and
believed like sisters.
It has been more than a year since Samadhi and I became buddies, but
never knew that time would fly so fast. The time has already come for us
to say,
"We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun.
But the hills that we climbed
Were just seasons out of time."
Though we did not think of keeping a record of things we went
through, it was evident through Memory Lane, which we always enjoyed
It all started with Broke for one day, which did not quite mark the
beginning of Memory Lane because it appeared on the main paper. But it
sparked enough encouragement and interest on our part to start a column.
The topics for Memory Lane were always picked at the last moment, but
we always ended up having a great deal of fun writing it because they
were born out of true experiences.
Each time something ironical or hilarious sprang up Anuki and I would
look at each other and simultaneously blurt out 'We could write about
this for Memory Lane.' Consequently our true being, our heart and soul
were always in Memory Lane.
It's hard to see the end of a column we both grew to love and
sincerely hope our readership enjoyed it.
We must also appreciate the feedback from our readers. It is indeed
sad to shut the gates of Memory Lane. 'If there is a beginning there
must be an end.' Sure we knew that, but never thought that the end would
come so soon.
We are also truly glad that all this had somewhat of a happy ending.
I am confidant that there will be a new beginning, for both of us, with
a greater end. But the memories of friendship, the experience we gained
in the profession and hopes for the future would be a definite example
for all friends in the world.
Though I am excited to imagine what's in store for me next, it is sad
to know that Samadhi would no longer be there to laugh, cry or sing
along the journey of life with me.
Dear readers, as this is our final entry to Memory Lane, we would
like to dedicate this to friends all over the world and wish that more
and more such true friendships emerge.
"Good bye my friend it's hard to go,
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the summer's in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we could both be there." |