Sweet Love Notes
A collection of sweet love notes to my sweetheart
I like to leave sweet love notes to my sweetheart. It is a nice
little surprise for him when he finds them. Generally what I like to do
is make a small card by folding over a small piece of paper.
I usually write a little teaser on the front followed by three
periods. Inside the sentence is completed with a heartfelt expression of
love. I hope you enjoy reading these sweet love notes and that they
inspire your to write a love note to your sweetheart!
I am...
completely devoted to you.
I love...
your tender and loving touch.
I long...
to hold you close and never let you go.
cherish you.
You make me feel...
loved and appreciated.
In you I have found...
the greatest joy in my life.
I love...
to snuggle and cuddle with you.
inspire me.
I love...
to gaze into your beautiful blue eyes.
adore you.
I long...
to hold you again in my arms.
You are...
my Pearl of Great Price.
I think you are...AMAZING.
A love story from history
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert
Victoria was a lively cheerful girl, fond of drawing and painting.
She ascended the throne of England in 1837 after the death of her uncle,
King William IV. In 1840, she married her first cousin, Prince Albert of
While at first Prince Albert was unpopular in some circles because he
was German, he came to be admired for his honesty, diligence, and his
devotion to his family. The couple had nine children.
Victoria loved her husband deeply. She relied on his advice in
matters of state, especially in diplomacy. When Albert died in 1861,
Victoria was devastated. She did not appear in public for three years.
Her extended seclusion generated considerable public criticism.
Several attempts were made on Victoria's life. However, under the
influence of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, Victoria resumed public
life, opening Parliament in 1866.
But Victoria never stopped mourning her beloved prince, wearing black
until her death in 1901. During her reign, the longest in English
history, Britain became a world power on which "the sun never set."
Love letter
My Beloved Tom,
I love you! I though of writing this to let you know my love to
you... Just writing that creates a smile on my face. You make me smile.
I love you because of your sweetness, your kindness, your tenderness
and your thoughtfulness.
I love you because you are my dear friend and loving companion. You
smile at my silly jokes and enjoy my youthful spirit.
I love you because I have a longing to be close to you and you long
to be close to me. I love snuggling with you in front of a fire and
cuddling with you as we watch TV.
I love to be with you. I love holding your hand on a walk during the
day and holding your hands across the table at a restaurant at night.
I love you because you listen to me as I share the small triumphs or
struggles of the day.
I love you because in moments of friction between us, you hear me
out. Even when you don't agree with me, you listen with a longing to
understand me.
I love you because you respect me. You honour the man that I am,
rather than try to make me into someone I am not. You suffer my
imperfections and my shortcomings largely without complaint.
I love you because you appreciate me. You enjoy my attentiveness and
appreciate my efforts to romance you. You appreciate my generosity to
yourself and my generosity toward others.
My dear, I have never written a love letter to anyone before. This is
the first one. Please ignore the mistakes of this premature letter and
be kind enough to send me one....
I love you,
Your's forever
Classical love poem
I love you
because the Earth turns round the sun
because the North wind blows north
because the Pope is Catholic
and most Rabbis Jewish
because winters flow into springs
and the air clears after a storm
Nikki Giovanni (1943- )
from "Resignation"
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone
deeply gives you courage."
-Lao Tzu