Happy MR
MR was happy to meet Sri Lankan sportsmen and women at the Athletes
Village in Beijing on the same evening he reached China. "Give off your
best and make our country proud. If you win medals, you will be richly
rewarded as promised," he told the Lankan Olympians who had a chit chat
with him.
Choak-See adamant
Though Choak-See was asked by the Elephant Party WC to step down from
his post as Em Pee to pave the way for Es Bee, his leaders had
instructed otherwise. Choak-See is adamant that he would not quit and
give up his post for a man who keeps changing parties and moreover, he
is the most senior in the green camp.
Astrologer's advice
A leading Indian astrologer has told Ra-Blue that a defeat at the
Sabaragamuwa and North Central polls is inevitable. Asked what he could
do to turn it in the Elephant Party's favour, the Chennai astrologer had
told Ra-Blue that he should immediately step down and appoint somebody
whose stars are very strong at present.
Receiving end
Poor Es Bee who has been at the receiving end, is forming a secret
group within the party to intensify his battle. While Ra-Blue's
detectives keep a close eye on Es Bee's movements, the Haguran-Field
stalwart too is playing his cards for survival.
More crossovers
At least four Elephant Party Em Pees, along with their provincial
leaders, are expected to join the governing types after the Provincial
Council elections. While strengthening MR's power in the two PCs, the
four green stalwarts would join the governing types like the You-En-Pee
progressive types.
Clever leader
Ra-Blue held a recent meeting with his inner circle guys at his
residence at the Road that is Fifth. His strategy was to put the blame
on Atta-Leader and Es Bee once they lose Sabaragamuwa and North Central.
Ra-Blue's blue-eyed boys would expose Atta-Leader and Es Bee as poor
leaders who could not get public support so that Ra-Blue could hold on
to his leadership. |