Corporate news
Dialog Telekom Group records Rs. 1.64b PAT in six months
Dialog Telekom PLC (DT) unveiled an overview of its financial
performance for the six months ended June 30, 2008. Financial results
included those for the entity Dialog Telekom PLC and for the Dialog
Telekom Group derived from a consolidation of Company performance with
those of its subsidiaries Dialog Broadband Networks (Pvt) Ltd (DBN) and
Dialog Television (Pvt) Ltd (DTV).
Dialog Telekom PLC recorded a mobile subscriber base of 4.8 million
customers as at the end of Q2, 2008, representing a 31% growth Year on
Year (YoY). Revenue growth over the same period was however, relatively
modest at 6%. Revenue growth was mitigated in the main due to tariff
reductions and other affordability enhancement strategies adopted by the
company during Q4 2007 on the backdrop of suppressed price-usage
elasticity levels arising from inflation related pressures on consumer
spending power.
Downstream of revenue performance, cost expansion driven in the main
by general inflation (28% YoY), energy derived costs (46% YoY) and
expansion of Dialog Telekom network infrastructure, with associated
increases in Network related costs (49% YoY) and Depreciation (62% YoY)
has resulted in negative growth of 29% at EBITDA level and a reduction
in PAT by 59% on a YoY basis.
Notwithstanding medium term perturbations in the macro economic
environment, Dialog has continued its aggressive investment thrust
towards building infrastructure and service delivery capacity to extend
its entrenched leadership in the provision of a broad range of
telecommunications services.
Dialog Telekoms capacity building thrust continues to secure a major
share of incremental mobile consumers, drive growth in usage levels and
trigger encouraging consumer traction with respect to the new businesses
of the group.
The new businesses of the Dialog Group - seeded over the past two
years in expectation of slowing growth trajectories in the mobile sector
in line with market penetration, competition and macro-environmental
dynamics, demonstrated substantial momentum during 1H, 2008, albeit
delivering dilutive PAT contributions to the group, the subsidiaries
displayed aggressive subscriber and revenue growth in tandem with
positive trends in EBITDA relative to the immediately preceding
Group performance derived from a consolidation of the performance of
Dialog Telekom and its subsidiaries DBN and DTV displayed YoY Revenue
growth of 13% and a Profit After Tax (PAT) of Rs. 1.64 Bn. for the six
months ended June 30, 2008.
ComBank Group post-tax profit up 5.52% to Rs. 2,118m in 1 H 2008
The Commercial Bank Group reported a pre-tax profit of Rs. 3,656.9
million for the six months ended June 30, 2008, a growth of Rs. 234.8
million up 6.86 per cent over the corresponding period in 2007. The
Group post-tax profit for the same period, at Rs. 2,118.2 million was up
by 5.52 per cent.
The net interest income of the Group rose by Rs. 647.2 million or
11.94 per cent while other income at Rs. 1,846 million recorded an
increase of Rs. 566 million, up 44.22 per cent.
“The increase in other income was primarily due to a profit of Rs.
405 million earned by the Bank on the sale of its stake in the shares of
Commercial Leasing Company PLC in May 2008,” Commercial Bank’s Chief
Financial Officer Nandika Buddhipala said.
The Group’s foreign exchange income rose by Rs. 253.2 million up
30.75 per cent during the first half 2008, mainly due to higher gains
realised from forward foreign exchange deals done in 2008.
The Group’s tax on profit on ordinary activities published in the
first half results of 2007, has been re-stated as Rs. 1,414.8 million in
the comparative column of the Income Statement of 2007. This was due to
the reversal of a deferred tax asset recognised on statutory general
provisions made as per the new provisioning requirement of the Central
Bank, which was reversed in preparing the Annual Report for 2007.
If the re-statement of the tax on profit on ordinary activities was
not reflected, the profit after tax for the first half 2007 would have
been Rs. 2,173.3 million, marginally higher than the post-tax profit
achieved in the period under review.
Appointed Director Pan Asia Bank
Eshana de Silva, Chairman, Shermans Logistics (Pvt) Ltd., Shermans
Transport (Pvt) Ltd., Esna Holdings (Pvt) Ltd., Deputy Chairman/Managing
Director, Shermans International (Pvt) Ltd., and a Board Member of the
Board of Investment of Sri Lanka (BOI) has been appointed Director Pan
Asia Bank.
Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC (PABC) has been rated by FITCH
Ratings at BBB - (LKA).
The Bank also recently appointed Mrs. Kimarli Fernando, a Senior
Banker as the Director/Chief Executive Officer.
LB Finance posts Rs. 70m net profit in three months
Finance giant LB Finance continued its trailblazing recent-run into
the second quarter of the year, completing yet another successful three
months with an impressive increase in net profit to Rs.70mn, during the
first quarter ending June 30, 2008.
Accentuating the Company’s ability to uphold its progressive course
of growth is the Company income - Rs.419mn for the three months ending
June 30, 2007, increasing by 78% to Rs.748mn for the three months ending
June 30, 2008. Interest expenses have increased by 100% during the same
Operating profits too followed the same ascending pitch, increasing
by 49% to Rs.267mn, while interest income indicates a growth of 79% -
from Rs.403mn as at the end of the first quarter last year to Rs.723mn
during the quarter ending June 30, 2008. Company reserves too have risen
from Rs.556mn to Rs.627mn during the same period.
The company’s total deposits, Rs.7.3bn for the period ending March
31, 2008, rose to Rs.8.6bn during the first quarter ending June 2008.
“Several aspects contributed towards maintaining the growth momentum.
A new cost-control mechanism and a more robust, growth-oriented work
ethic were chief among them,” said Managing Director of LB Finance
Sumith Adhihetty.
“The well-planned and coordinated efforts of the management, devoted
to rewarding the confidence that our investors have in us, as well as,
the very competitive rates of interest offered by the Company, too
played a big part in the increase in customer deposits.” |