The oxygen crisis
Could the decline of oxygen in the atmosphere undermine our health
and threaten human survival?
The rise in carbon dioxide emissions is big news. It is prompting
action to reverse global warming. But little or no attention is being
paid to the long-term fall in oxygen concentrations and its knock-on
effects. Compared to prehistoric times, the level of oxygen in the
earth’s atmosphere has declined by over a third and in polluted cities
the decline may be more than 50%.
This change in the makeup of the air we breathe has potentially
serious implications for our health.
Indeed, it could ultimately threaten the survival of human life on
earth, according to Roddy Newman, who is drafting a new book, The Oxygen
I am not a scientist, but this seems a reasonable concern. It is a
possibility that we should examine and assess. So, what’s the evidence?
Around 10,000 years ago, the planet’s forest cover was at least twice
what it is today, which means that forests are now emitting only half
the amount of oxygen.
Desertification and deforestation are rapidly accelerating this
long-term loss of oxygen sources.
The story at sea is much the same. Nasa reports that in the north
Pacific ocean oxygen-producing phytoplankton concentrations are 30%
lower today, compared to the 1980s. This is a huge drop in just three
Moreover, the UN environment programme confirmed in 2004 that there
were nearly 150 “dead zones” in the world’s oceans where discharged
sewage and industrial waste, farm fertiliser run-off and other
pollutants have reduced oxygen levels to such an extent that most or all
sea creatures can no longer live there.
This oxygen starvation is reducing regional fish stocks and
diminishing the food supplies of populations that are dependent on
fishing. It also causes genetic mutations and hormonal changes that can
affect the reproductive capacity of sea life, which could further
diminish global fish supplies.
Professor Robert Berner of Yale University has researched oxygen
levels in prehistoric times by chemically analysing air bubbles trapped
in fossilised tree amber. He suggests that humans breathed a much more
oxygen-rich air 10,000 years ago.
Further back, the oxygen levels were even greater. Robert Sloan has
listed the percentage of oxygen in samples of dinosaur-era amber as: 28%
(130m years ago), 29% (115m years ago), 35% (95m years ago), 33% (88m
years ago), 35% (75m years ago), 35% (70m years ago), 35% (68m years
ago), 31% (65.2m years ago), and 29% (65m years ago).
Professor Ian Plimer of Adelaide University and Professor Jon
Harrison of the University of Arizona concur. Like most other scientists
they accept that oxygen levels in the atmosphere in prehistoric times
averaged around 30% to 35%, compared to only 21% today - and that the
levels are even less in densely populated, polluted city centres and
industrial complexes, perhaps only 15 % or lower.Much of this recent,
accelerated change is down to human activity, notably the industrial
revolution and the burning of fossil fuels.
The Professor of Geological Sciences at Notre Dame University in
Indiana, J Keith Rigby, was quoted in 1993-1994 as saying: In the 20th
century, humanity has pumped increasing amounts of carbon dioxide into
the atmosphere by burning the carbon stored in coal, petroleum and
natural gas.
In the process, we’ve also been consuming oxygen and destroying plant
life - cutting down forests at an alarming rate and thereby
short-circuiting the cycle’s natural rebound. We’re artificially slowing
down one process and speeding up another, forcing a change in the
Very interesting. But does this decline in oxygen matter? Are there
any practical consequences that we ought to be concerned about? What is
the effect of lower oxygen levels on the human body? Does it disrupt and
impair our immune systems and therefore make us more prone to cancer and
degenerative diseases? Surprisingly, no significant research has been
done, perhaps on the following presumption: the decline in oxygen levels
has taken place over millions of years of our planet’s existence. |