me a promise
Samantha was a gifted child, born to a lower middle class family who
had enough sense to nurture and nourish her talents from the moment they
were discovered. The discovery was made quite accidentally by her
mother, who, when attempting to lull the 8 month old baby off to sleep
with a classic lullaby, found that, miraculously, the little baby joined
along, humming the notes to near perfection.
At first, her mother thought she was hearing the humming of a
passer-by, but alas, the sounds were indeed emanating from none other
than the little baby cradled in her arms! Presently, she thought she
must be dreaming.
This thought was too alarming, for any sane mother to remain asleep
with a baby on her lap, so that possibility was instantly dismissed. And
when the humming still continued in perfect harmony, and she realized
that there was no mistaking that her little baby girl was the one who
produced such sweet sounds, she was in tears of joy and bewilderment.

For the next couple of days, Samantha displayed her talents to an
astonished father and grandparents, prompted by her mother who began
each session by humming the first notes of a lullaby. And each day, the
little girl sounded better and better.
Her parents began playing soft music and songs to her for hours and
hours each day. Samantha began uttering her first words within the next
few weeks, as she tried to imitate the sounds she heard from the records
being played for her.
By the time she was 18 months old, she sang like an angel, utilizing
her unbelievable memory to recite back songs after listening to them
just once.
Music became her life from then on. She was admitted to a voice
training and singing class at the age of three. The teacher was
extremely reluctant, as any would be, at the first sight of the tiny
little girl, and was already shaking her head and telling the parents to
come back when she was older, when her mother prompted little Samantha
to start singing.
An immediate hush followed, and by the end of her song, both mother
and teacher, and the cleaning lady who had pricked her ears in the
hallway and then came in for a closer listen, were in unabashed tears.
Fame and fortune came upon the family at a rapid and alarming pace.
By the age of ten, Samantha had won many prestigious awards for her
original songs, and had a multitude of successful records under her
name. The whole world seemed to be in love with the sunny little girl
with the heart melting voice.
Before long, Samantha had blossomed into a beautiful, charming and
poised young girl. The media became more and more obsessed with her
every activity. Mother Nature had not only enhanced and illuminated her
beauty, but also had nurtured her talents. She now sang powerful
heart-breaking songs, and was a world-wide success.
And then one day, she woke up and realized that her voice was.......
gone. Lost, completely inaudible, except for a low rasping sound as one
would get with a very bad throat infection. But Samantha had been sick
before, and this time, her instincts seemed to scream at her, telling
her that this was not a simple laryngitis.
For a few days, the atmosphere was naively calm and peaceful,
everyone assuming that she had contracted a common bug, and leaving her
with the time and space, and exquisite comfort and care that a celebrity
like her would naturally be entitled to, in order to recover.
Even Samantha, although reigned in by the ever-looming knowledge that
her distinctive voice which had charmed an entire world would never,
ever come back, was falsely stilled, for a couple of days, into thinking
and hoping that her ‘illness’ would pass.
As weeks turned into months and months into a year, Samantha had
effectively managed to disappear from the world. Her public relations
crew spent countless hours every day and night trying to masquerade her
disappearance behind a story that would do her no harm in terms of
future success, as well as put an end to the mounting public interest.
Various tabloids had their own respective field-days publishing
bizarre stories about her disappearance, ranging from an illegitimate
childbirth to being abducted by aliens. The world was restless and
worried, but most of all, they were curious.
After some time, as all things eventually do, this frenzy died down,
and people began focusing on other concurrent issues. Within a short
period of time, they had actually forgotten the musical prodigy, and her
music was rarely played on any of the radio stations anymore.
Samantha, however, was a total wreck. She didn’t eat or sleep for
days on end, and had to be treated with intravenous fluids when she came
to the point of collapse, as happened on several occasions. She lost a
massive amount of weight. She passed through the various phases in her
reaction of grief, before finally ceasing on a state of reluctant
A few weeks later, she started developing the horrifying symptoms
that were a harbinger of her demise. She wasn’t surprised or shocked,
and there was a haunting lack of physical pain or emotion. She was sent
home from the hospital to be in peace. Samantha spent more and more time
outdoors by herself, preferring to be amidst Mother Nature who had
created her and would soon reclaim her to its earth.
It happened one day as she was sitting in the park, reading a book by
herself while children played in the grounds beyond her. A little girl
just walked up to her and told her these words:
“My mama used to sing me your songs. When I was as little as her
thumb, she said, and lying in a glass box in the baby room at the
When she brought me home, she played your records for me. I remember
them so well. I had bad dreams every night and cried, but your songs
chased them all away. She said your music brought me to life, when all
the doctors and nurses had given up on me. She told me that if I could
find you some day, to tell you she said thank you”.
Samantha was so alarmed when she heard these words, and so surprised
that such a young child would be able to recognize her when all the rest
of the world, who had obsessed over her, had not. But then she began to
realize why she’d been given such an awe-inspiring voice.
And she now knew, finally, after so many torturous relentless
ruminations as to why this was happening to her, the reason her voice
was taken away. She had served her purpose, and her work was done. As
pale and thin as she was, the little girl’s illuminant eyes
substantiated a miracle.
A few weeks later, after battling through a tough terminal stage,
Samantha passed away, from a rare form of laryngeal cancer. If she were
still famous, the medical terminology for her illness may have even been
revised in her name. But no one really knew her anymore, or remembered one but one sickly little girl with bright eyes and a
courageous heart. |