LTTE forcibly keeps civilians as human shield
Downfall imminent ; More strongholds fall:
Tigers in propaganda campaign to halt Forces? advance :
International Non-Governmental organisations including ICRC and Amnesty
International expressed their concern about the civilian population now
entrapped in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts as the battlefront is
becoming increasingly intense with troops advancing further into
Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts, the areas destined for the final
battle of the LTTE.
The ICRC and the Amnesty International are extremely worried about
the civilians displaced within the uncleared areas as they are lacking
the basic needs and living without any shelter or enough food. The AI in
its statement issued on August 14, blamed both the Government and the
LTTE for endangering the lives of the innocent civilians forcibly kept
by the LTTE in Wanni.
At the same time AI has been fair enough to mention that those
civilians have been kept by the LTTE enforcing a strict pass system
barring civilians to flee from these areas along with their families.
They are also keeping at least one member of a family to make sure that
those who are leaving will return to Wanni.
The objective of the LTTE is to keep the civilians under their
detention and to conscript them to strengthen their deteriorating
manpower while large number of their cadres are getting killed in the
face of the Security Forces advance into the uncleared areas.

The ICRC also has stated that it has become increasingly difficult
for the aid workers to operate within uncleared areas due to the intense
fighting between the Security Forces and the LTTE.
It is obvious that once the terrain is increasingly becoming
restricted to civilians, they will definitely get affected by the
ongoing battles between the Security Forces and the LTTE.
What is emphasised through these messages is that the time is ripe
for the civilians to flee from the Wanni battle ground for safer places.
The Government has already expressed its willingness to receive those
civilians from Omanthai entry point with arrangements being made to
provide shelter and food for them.
Army Commander, Lt. General Sarath Fonseka in an interview with this
correspondent at several occasions emphasised the fact that the Security
Forces are always ready to receive the civilians fleeing from the Wanni.
The Security Forces and the Government machinery explicitly
demonstrated their ability to handle the exodus of civilians fleeing
from Tiger territory when intense battles erupted in the East especially
during the Vakarai operation.
Troops captured an increasingly sensitive fortress of the LTTE, where
30,000 civilians were kept for months as a human shield, without a
single civilian casualty during the Vakarai operation.
Those NGOs who are critical of the military operations should be
conscious of the fact that the responsibility to send the innocent
civilians into safer places in Wanni rests with the LTTE.

The AI in its statement has also been critical of the Government and
the Security Forces for detaining civilians in Government welfare
centres imposing extreme restrictions on their movements.
What has to be emphasised here is that the Security Forces too are
engaged in a battle to defeat the most ruthless terror outfit of the
Therefore, they should be extremely careful not to create a situation
in Government controlled areas where the LTTE agents could cause mayham.
As the situation is extremely disadvantageous to the LTTE they will
make maximum effort to send in their suicide cadres to cause disaster in
the government held areas. Such scenario would definitely put both
Security Forces and the civilians in an embarrassing situation.
Therefore, keeping those displaced civilians under constant
surveillance has become an essential factor for the Security Forces at
least for a brief period. International experts on terrorism have also
warned that the LTTE has the capability to continue as a terror outfit
even after their numbers are reduced to hundred or below.
According to reports, an exodus of civilians can be expected very
soon considering the rapid progress showed by the Security Forces during
the past few weeks. They have already entered the Kilinochchi the most
vital district for the LTTE in their Eelam war.
Reports coming from Wanni indicate that the LTTE is trying its best
to face the imminent defeat preying the civilians to tarnish the image
of the Security Forces at the final battle. The Security Forces gained
control of the vital grounds in the Kilinochchi district this week with
the 58 Division under the command of Brigadier Shavendra Silva advanced
further northwards on the Mannar Pooneryn A-32 road with the capture of
Mulangavil, the second most important town in the Kilinochchi district
after Kilinochchi.

The troops attached to the 11 Sri Lanka Light Infantry Battalion
under the command of Lt. Colonel Senaka Wijesuriya and 6 Gemunu Watch
Battalion under the command of Lt. Colonel Kamal Pinnawala advanced into
this widely spread township along the A-32 road after Vellankulam and
after passing the Mannar Kilinochchi district boundary.
The 11 SLII troops advanced into Mulangavil from the West of A-32
road while the 6 GW troops advanced from the East of A-32 road. Prior to
capturing this territory the 583 Brigade under the command of Lt.
Colonel Suraj Banshajaya captured Kalekuda jetty, which was used by the
LTTE to launch their small craft into the sea.
Capture of Mulangavil was a great shock to the LTTE as they lost one
of the large cemetaries where their heroes were burried. What is most
important was that the real situation faced by the LTTE was divulged
with the capture of this cemetery as there were more than 500 graves dug
only within last two months. That shows how the LTTE is fast losing
their cadres in the face of the Security Forces advance into the
uncleared territory. The bitter truth behind the LTTE organisation is
now exposed to the outside world step by step with the troops capturing
those so-called impregnable Tiger strongholds one after the other.
Apart from the Mahaveer cemetery, the LTTE also had its National
Stadium where they celebrated annual Maha Veer celebration with the
participation of their senior leaders.
The capture of Mulangavil also marks the loss of one of their vital
administrative bases in the North Western coast. Well-built LTTE offices
have been found within the vicinity of Mulangavil. Being a fertile land
Mulangavil has also been used by the LTTE to cultivate vegetables needed
to feed their cadres.
But it was not from the voluntary contribution of the civilians
living there in the Kilinochchi district but getting them to work in
those cultivations against their wish. Therefore, the capture of
Mulangavil has greatly affected the LTTE in many ways.
With the capture of this territory the troops are further closing in
to the Tiger stronghold in Kilinochchi. Though the Western flank of the
58 Division advances along the Maannar-Pooneryn road, the Eastern flank
of the 58 Division has further moved towards the Kilinochchi centre with
only 18 kilo meters left over to reach the Kilinochchi town.
Apart from this, the troops are also now poised to advance further
northwards on the Mannar Pooneryn road towards Pooneryn hugging the edge
of Nachchikudah which has been defended by the LTTE by creating a
massive earth bund from the south, west and also from the North and the
East completely covering the area.
Once Nachchikuda is captured the LTTE is losing almost all the Sea
Tiger bases along the Western coast except for Pooneryn which is now
being controlled by the Security Forces through long range artillery and
By this time the LTTE has realised the fact that there is no use of
making any attempt to defend the North Western coast and seemingly
decided to withdraw their cadres further interior into the Kilinochchi
district in an attempt to prepare for its final battle.
Meanwhile, troops attached to the 57 Division under the command of
Major General Jagath Dias also marked an important milestone after
clearing an obstacle in their effort to capture Thunukkai in the Western
flank of the Mullaitivu district.
Troops attached to 572 Brigade under the command of Lt. Colonel
Senerath Bandara captured Kalvilan village located South West of
Thunukkai bringing the Security Forces FDLs two Kilo metres south of
It was after few days of the battle; the troops attached to 7 and 8
Sri Lanka Light Infantry battalions moved into this small village, but
with lot of tactical importance for the LTTE to stop the troop advance
into Thunukkai.
The LTTE had kept their artillery and mortar position in this village
to keep Thunukkai out of reach from the Security Forces but was unable
to hold it in face of the pitched battles erupted in the village on
However the troops are yet to overcome the massive open terrain
surrounding the Thunukkai and Mallavi stretching for more than 70 square
kilometres in their bid to gain full control of these prestigious towns.
The Security Forces will follow an alternative mechanism to capture
this terrain without sticking only to this ground as they have the full
advantage of the ground at this stage of war.
The Task Force II now operating in the West of A-9 road is due to
make a breakthrough in their front as they are closing to Palamoddai
Meanwhile, troops attached to the 59 Division under the command of
Brigadier Nandana Udawatta are also heading towards more and more
militarily sensitive land in the Mullaitivu jungle with the capture of
many satalite bases comes under the 1-4 Base complex of the LTTE.
Troops were poised to capture Jeevan Base which is identified as
Kamal Base located in the North of Kokkuthuduvai. Jeevan Base is
comparatively a bigger base where the LTTE could train nearly 100 cadres
at once. The 14 Vijayabha Infantry battalion troops have already
destroyed bunker lines and trenches of this massive base by Saturday
night in their bid to capture full Base.
Therefore, the battles in the North are becoming more and more
sensitive in the coming weeks bringing the Eelam war into one of its
most important mile stone in its history which will see the end of it
marking definite military defeat for the LTTE..
Prabhakaran physically and mentally down
Having learnt that the Government troops have been hitting hard on
the Tiger strongholds in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu, LTTE leader
Velupillai Prabhakaran has reportedly fallen ill. His health condition
is fast deteriorating, according to intelligence sources. The reports
said Prabhakaran; an acute diabetic was suffering from some incurable
wounds in his hand.
Despite his poor health, the battle in Wanni has compelled him to
come out from his underground bunkers, as most of his senior
subordinates were dead. At this turning point, Prabhakaran has to summon
his cadres to Kilinochchi, use all tactics including the human shield to
face a do or die battle.
According to sources the wounded Tiger leader was limping to a secret
venue to discuss his plan for the final battle. Feeble Prabhakaran had
failed to keep his head straight, sources said. Prabhakaran is more
likely use a sea or air route to run away Wanni in the event Government
troops launched an onslaught on his hideout in Kilinochchi very soon. |