The first Dhamma Sanghayana
The significance of Nikini Poya:
by Samangie Wettemuny
[email protected]

The Sattapanni cave in Rajagahanuwara where the first Buddhist
council was held.

A portrait of Ananda thera preaching Sutta Pitaka
Three months after the great Parinirvana of the Buddha, more than two
thousand five hundred and fifty years ago, the first Dhamma Sangayana
commenced at Sattapanni cave in Rajagahanuwara on a Nikini Full Moon
Poya day in order to settle the Buddhist canon.
Buddha’s chief Attendant, ‘Dhamma Bhandagarika’ Ananda Thera attained
arhathood on the same Nikini poya day. Also Nikini poya marks the
commencement of “Pasu Vas”; the Bhikkhus who failed to commence the
normal Vassa on the day following Esala poya are allowed to observe
“Pasu vas”.
Moreover Nikini poya is significant to Sri Lankan Buddhists as the
Kandy Esala Perehara, normally ends on this poya day.
Immediate cause
The immediate cause for conducting the first Dhamma Sangayana was the
unruly behaviour of a Bhikku named Subaddha. After the Parinibbana of
the Buddha all the Bhikkus who had not attained arhathood lamented
profusely. But Subadda though he was not an Arhat, was extremely happy
over the Parinirvana of the Buddha.
On top of that he even requested the weeping Bhikkus not to do so as
there was nothing to worry about. Since there was no one to instruct
them he believed that he could lead a peaceful life on his own.
The arhats headed by Maha Kashshapa thera soon felt that Subaddha’s
behaviour was an indication of probable problems among other bhikkus as
well which may lead to divisions among them. So they thought that it is
quite probable to hold a Dhamma Sangayana in order to settle the
teachings of the Buddha.
Though such problems arose even during the time of the Buddha they
were settled amicably. The first Dhamma Sangaya is known as Pancha
Sathika Sangikthi as it was held with the participation of 500 Theras
who had attained Arahatship.
Maha Kassapa Thera
It was Maha Kassapa thera who organized this great convocation. The
thera very well knew that the Dhamma Sanghayana would be useless if
Ananda thera does not participate in it as he was the “Dhamma
Bandagarika”. But Ananda thera had not attained arhathood by then.
So Maha Kassapa thera selected only 499 arhats for the convocation
knowing that Ananda thera would be able to attain arhathood before the
commencement of the Dhamma Sanghayana. Ananda thera could fulfil the
aspiration of Maha Kassapa thera by attaining arhathood on the previous
Ananda Thera
The role Ananda thera played as the chief attendant of the Buddha is
exemplary. Though he could not attain nibbana by the time of the
parinirvana of the Buddha he had gained eminence in eradication and
possessed a lot of knowledge in Dhamma and was second only to Buddha in
preaching. He was even appreciated by the Buddha after listening to the
preaching he made to a group led by Mahanama Sakya king.
Having heard almost all the discourses of the Buddha, his knowledge
of Dhamma was only second to the Buddha. He was known for his
intelligence, good sense, prudence and circumspection.
He attended to the Buddha with great devotion. Yet for all such noble
qualities, he could not attain arhathood until the parinirvana of the
Buddha. It was said that it was not proper for an arhat to attend to
anyone even to a Buddha. That may be the reason why Ananda thera could
not attain Nibbana while the Buddha was living.
As the Buddha informed Ananda thera of his decision to attain
parinirvana in another three months, Ananda thera had lamented
profusely. Then the Buddha had explained to him the transitory nature of
all existing things from which even a Buddha cannot deviate.
The Buddha who knew that Ananda thera had collected enough merits to
attan arhathood ,advised him to be mindful and courageous.
Third Dhamma Sanghayana
The convocation was held for seven months under the patronage of King
Ajasatta. Dhamma Pitaka and Vinaya Pitaka were classified into Digha
Nikaya, Majima Nikaya, Sanyutha Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya and Kuddaka
They were learnt by heart. The responsibility for each part was
entrusted to leading participants of the convocation. Arahat Ananda
Thera and his followers were assigned with the responsibility for Digha
The followers of Arahat Sariputta Thera were entrusted with Majjima
Nikaya. Sanyutta Nikaya was entrusted to Arahat Maha Kassapa Thera and
his followers. Anguttara Nikaya was the responsibility of Arahat
Anuruddha Thera and his followers. All the Theras were made responsible
for the Kuddaka Nikaya. Vinaya Pitaka was entrusted to Arahat Upali
The first Dhamma Sanghayana which was held under the patronage of
Maha Kassapa thera is thus considered as the most outstanding incident
that took place since the Parinirvana of the Buddha. |