Disciplining a child, a collective effort - Ven. Thirikunamale
Ananda Thero
By Lakmal Welabada
[email protected]

Thirikunamale Ananda Thero
“All threesome - parents, ‘Maha Sangha’ (Buddhist priests) and the
Government should get together to change the society to a better place
for the future generation,” believes Thirikunamale Ananda Thero,
Anunayaka of Amarapura Sri Dharmarakshitha Chapter and resident of Siri
Vagiranana Dharmayathanaya, Maharagama.
“Parents are quite keen to send their children to Sunday School, as
they have realised it’s a must when bringing up a child in a corrupted
society. Directing a child towards the Dhamma is the only way,” says
Ananda Thero. “And some parents expect it’s the duty of only the Daham
Pasala and the Bhikkus. But, that’s wrong.
The basic as well as the paramount duty of this lie with the parents
of the child. This is because, a child who study Dhamma for about two or
three hours on a Sunday would go back to the same environment he comes
from, and would spend the rest of the days in it. If that atmosphere is
not right for the child’s growth, how can only Daham Pasala take the
Parents should always be vigilant and create a healthy, graceful
environment for a child to grow up in,” points out Thero.
“In ‘Sahbrahma Sutta’, the Buddha has preached that the home should
be like a shrine or a heaven, which would provoke the child to treat
his/her parents as if they belong to a ‘Sahbrahma Kulaya’ (supreme state
of gods and goddesses) or ‘Sapubba Deva’ (gods and goddesses) or
‘Sapubbachariyaka Kulaya’ (great teachers) or ‘Saahuneyya Kulaya’
(esteemed opinion leaders of the society). All these levels are
venerated by the general public.
Hence, the parents should lead a graceful life with self discipline
following at least the Five Precepts (Pansil) so that their children can
revere them with great devotion and faith as if they worship a god and a
goddess,” says Thero.
“A child who grows up in an environment like that will not take a
wrong avenue even if he/she has to step into a highly corrupted society.
He/she will know how to keep his/her head above the water like a Lotus
which blooms from the muddy pond without getting a drop of dirt on it,”
points out the Thero.
Ananda Thero further says that we should not just be Buddhists by
Birth, but should practise the precepts wholeheartedly. “Until recently,
modern science has believed that a child starts to learn after he or she
is born.
But, the Buddha more than 2500 years ago has preached that teaching a
child should be started while he/she is in the mother’s womb. Dhamma
caters not only for the extreme bliss of Nibbhana, but also to lead a
good tranquil lay life. ‘Angulimala Piritha’ is one example we can give
that has been recited for protection and safe delivery of babies.`
A country cannot flourish and prosper; without disciplining the man,’
was the motto of late Ven. Madihe Pannasiha Thero. So, it’s clear that
disciplining a child should start from the time it is a fetus,” points
out Thero.
Thero further denotes that Daham Pasal education should also change
its educational methods and practical techniques accordingly to the time
of era. “World keeps on changing, and our younger generation also gets
entangled in the global transformation. We have to understand this, and
be able to guide our children appropriately,” says Thero.
Q: What have, Siri Vagiranana Dharmayathanaya been doing in
this regard?
A: Dharmayathanaya was founded by late Madihe Pannasihe Thero
in 1958. Ampitiye Rahula Thero pioneered the Daham Pasala in 1971. At
present there are nearly 7000 students studying in the Dhamma School.
Dharmayathanaya has been rendering a great service by running 14
branches island wide.
We have in-house programs and co-operating societies that look into
the social, religious and cultural well being of the society, including
Dharma Vijaya Foundation, Janavijaya Foundation, Three Sil campaigns
(for children, youth and elders) affiliated with Sasana Sevaka Samithiya,
Daham Pasala (Sunday School) and Thurunu Saviya (local Scouting and
Guiding campaign operated along with social work).
We are trying to work in this well knitted network and do our best to
promote the Buddhist education while seeing into the welfare of children
and young Bhikkus especially in the poverty stricken areas of the
Q: What is the duty of the State in this regard?
A: State is one of the forerunners in this. Without imposing
law and order, we cannot expect a country to be well disciplined. Even
when the Buddha was alive, the kings of that era practised law and order
of the state.
We should appreciate the ‘Mathata Thitha’ launched by the present
Government to eradicate smoking among the citizens.
This type of laws should be monitored constantly as once the interest
of the State diverts, the heinous head of evil might rise again, and
would cause even more damage. If one day, the State can also ban all the
Bars of the country, it would be the beginning of a heavenly era of this
Q: We have heard that the Mahanayaka Thero of the Three
Chapters are hoping to forward a especial proposal to the State of
Government along with the ‘Buddha Jayanthiya of 2600’.
A: Yes. Twenty suggestions will be brought to the limelight
along with the Commemoration of the 2600th Anniversary of the Buddha’s
Enlightenment that falls on the year 2011. It was said that the people
of Sri Lanka got ready for the `Buddha Jayanthi - 1956’ since 1945.
The Police reports also showed how crimes had been lessened in the
country during this period of ten years. So, we should try to recreate
the same situation once again by re-organising and revitalising our
spiritual lives.
Ananda Thero gives a brief account of the proposals. The education of
the Bhikkus and the temples with few privileges are expected to be
developed. Every home is expected to follow the Five Precepts. Every
Full Moon Poya Day should be reserved for religious ceremonies including
Sil campaigns unifying the temple and the people of the area under the
patronage of the Pradeshiya Sabha.
On Full Moon Poya Days, both the government and private Institutions
should not go for non-religious ceremonies, and none of the tutory
classes should be held.
Children and youth should be provided a good, religious and
disciplined atmosphere throughout by making Daham Pasal education and
practice of Buddhist rituals in schools compulsory. All types of
religious conversions and activities which are against Buddhism and
Buddhist culture should be curtailed.
A process should be launched to acclaim the ‘2600th Buddha Jayanthi’
with the International Buddhists at Buddhagaya premises in India. These
are some of the things in the list of the proposal which will be
forwarded to implement a better tomorrow for the younger generation,”
says Thero.
Pic: Chinthaka Kumarasinghe |