Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 14 September 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Resettling IDPs no big task

The plight of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) seems to have become a hot topic for international human rights organisations and many International Non Governmental Organisations (INGOs) as the valiant Security Forces have embarked on the final decisive phase in their battle against terrorism.

These human rights organisations have been playing a deaf and blind role though the LTTE terrorists used innocent civilians as a human shield.

Former LTTE Eastern 'Commander' turned TMVP leader Vinayagamoorthi Moralidharan alias Karuna Amman openly questioned this and exposed the nudity of those human rights watchers.

We are unable to comprehend the so-called "deep concern" expressed by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon over the "increased hostilities in northern Sri Lanka". We have reason to believe that the UN chief has been ill-informed about the latest developments in Sri Lanka. Else, the UN Secretary General would not have said that the situation in Sri Lanka would have "grave humanitarian consequences for civilians".

Be it the UN, an INGO or any other human rights organisation, the first thing that any right-thinking person should bear in mind is that the ongoing battle is between a democratically elected legitimate government and a band of terrorists who have mercilessly killed thousands of innocent civilians during the past three decades.

The Security Forces carry out humanitarian operations to liberate innocent civilians from the jaws of the LTTE terrorists who have ruthlessly killed thousands of civilians and national leaders belonging to all three communities here. The LTTE even went to the extent of depriving civilians of the basic human need of water in Mavil Aru and as a result of this inhuman act the Government had no alternative but to intensify its battle against terrorism in early 2006.

Since then, the Security Forces have liberated the entire Eastern Province and thousands of civilians who were used as a human shield by the LTTE in Mavil Aru, Vakarai, Sampur and Thoppigala. The Government not only implemented a successful plan to resettle all IDPs rapidly but also held Local Government and Provincial Council elections to restore democracy.

A similar plan would be implemented in the Northern Province no sooner the Security Forces liberate Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi. Handling the IDP issue has never posed a problem to the Government, which has a proven track record for such operations. After the Eastern liberation, the Government successfully resettled over 170,000 IDPs in the Eastern Province and many international organisations commended the efficient manner in which the Government handled the issue single handed.

Though many international organisations anticipated that the resettlement process would take years, the Government accomplished the task expeditiously. Apart from the shelter and other basic needs that were provided for the IDPs, infrastructure development took top priority.

The maximum number of IDPs expected after the ongoing operations in the North too is similar to the number which the Government successfully resettled and found a reasonable living standard in the East. Hence, there is no need to press the panic button as the Government is ready to meet the task successfully. When the 60,000 IDPs issue emerged in Mutur, many organisations, including the UNHCR anticipated that the resettlement process would take at least two years and the UN even went for an additional vote. But the Government took all by surprise by settling the IDPs in a matter of weeks.

The worst ever situation of the IDPs was witnessed in 1996 during 'Operation Riviresa' which rendered 400,000 people homeless. But even at that stage, the Government handled the resettlement process in a professional manner.

Hence, the resettlement of IDPs expected from the North in a few months is well within the Government's reach. Even in the so-called Tiger-held areas, it's the Government which feeds thousands of civilians living under the LTTE's terror rule, through the state mechanism of Government Agents, AGAs and Divisional Secretaries.

The Government has maintained an uninterrupted supply of food, medicine and other essential items even in areas which the LTTE claims to be under their rule. Is the international community aware of these facts? Certain interested parties too try to distort the Government's decision to keep INGOs and other international organisations out the LTTE-held areas.

The Government does not want to take an undue risk at this juncture and the security of the INGOs and international organisation members could not be guaranteed at a time the Security Forces are in an all out operation against the most ruthless terrorist organisation in the world.

In this scenario, the INGOs and international organisations could do pretty little in the LTTE-held areas as they mostly handle the implementation of several constructions and other development projects under the respective Ministries.

Their withdrawal from LTTE-held territory will barely have any impact on civilians trapped as it is the Government which feeds and looks after the needs of those civilians now held by the LTTE. Sri Lanka is perhaps the only state in the world which feeds a group of terrorists who wage a war against a legitimate Government.

The INGOs and other international bodies employ locals, including Tamils. The LTTE could well pressurise such international aid workers to indulge in various kinds of terror activities under the guise of those international organisations.

If by chance they are caught, the LTTE propaganda wing would tell the international community that the Government is killing international aid workers and seek added mileage.

To overcome these unforeseen situations, the Government has taken the most appropriate action by asking all international organisations and INGOs to leave Tiger-held areas. However, they would be permitted to operate from Vavuniya. This is indeed a sensible move which prevents terrorists from abusing the presence of INGOs and other international organisations.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas
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