If elections are held I'll be back and change face of SL Cricket -
CRICKET: Coming back out of the 'wilderness' through arguably
forced exile of being kept out of the Cricket Board by detractors who
fear they can't beat the man at the hustings, is the cherished dream of
Thilanga Sumathipala, who strongly believes that he must rightfully be
where he belongs to finish an unfinished dream.
Indeed, the man, who is roundly credited by observers, both at home
and abroad for his gigantic feat of giving the Dambulla Stadium to the
game, burns with a passion whenever talk buzzes centering around the
hustings at the Cricket Board or Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) which has been
near and dear to his heart - even the man's worst critics will not deny
the man's magic like capability of getting things done.

Thilanga Sumathipala - a former President of Cricket Board,
determined to put things right in the Cricket Board as he is
confident of becoming the head of the Cricket Board if
elections are held. |
These tall stories include the hiring of Australian John Dyson as
national coach in 2003 when there was no coach when he assumed office to
the relief of the local cricketing world that had been left groping in
the dark without a coach after Dave Whatmore's departure.
But if passion has fashioned Sumathipala's works in serving what has
undeniably been his first love away from business which is cricket, and
won many accolades - ask Tony Greig - he is credited to have been the
think tank behind the initial foreign expertise drive even when he was
only Vice President in 1995.
Today, Sumathipala, who has fought many court battles and cleared his
names of corruption charges when he headed the Board, remains a
disgusted man. He believes that justice has not been done to him by
successive sports ministers, having the Cricket Board run by Interim
Committees which the man has bitterly claimed has been done to keep him
No surprise
It's no surprise then that Thilanga Sumathipala welcomes the recent
news reports, first by the Sunday Observer, filtering of Sports Minister
Gamini Lokuge's intention to hold elections at the Cricket Board, at a
time elections to the country's premier sport body looked a remote
thing. He cannot really believe it will ever happen. But, if it is true,
then it is the most stirring news that once again rekindles the passion
in the man's eyes and face as the immaculately clad dynamic figure, who
has a Muhammed Ali like boast of predicting, echoes with certain
conviction that if people to run the board are chosen democratically by
the vote of the clubs that then, he has no rival. The Sports Minister
confirmed that the AGM will be held shortly.
Flanked by his able lieutenant Mohan de Silva, who once stood in from
the Sumathipala camp when the man was barred from contesting, backs his
stakes for a comeback to the Board in the following words," We know
what's important and what needs to be done to resurrect SL Cricket at
this stage and without hesitation can say that we have the passion,
ability, capacity and most importantly, people with the right
credentials to administer cricket.
The duo also went on to claim that if the Sumathipala administration
was in power, Sri Lanka would not have allowed India to play IPL alone,
but instead got India to join Pakistan and Bangladesh with Sri Lanka so
that all concerned from players to coaches down the line would have
Indeed, the Sumathipala dynamism of contesting and winning that had
become a habit with the man before law suits were thrown at him, has no
match going by the immense popularity he commands with the clubs that
"Hold the AGM anytime, I know I will win over whoever contests by
fair means of electing office-bearers democratically," has been a
popular Sumathipala catch phrase.
His main detractors, Sumathipala claims, have been the Dharmadasa
brothers including Jayantha, who, when he was Interim Committee
Chairman, did his utmost to destabilise the district and provincial
associations by not funding these pivotal feeding areas, except for the
Southern District Cricket Association and Southern Provincial Cricket
Association knowing, that was where our strength lay." These feeders to
the 'A' team and national team were completely crippled without a single
tour for the 'A' team when we took over in 2003, he claimed. We had
secured 7 tours, home and away for the next 3 years for the 'A' team
with some of the strongest cricket playing countries when we were in
power. All that good work had been undone with so many golden
opportunities lost.
An election
And as he quietly anticipates an election with crossed fingers,
Sumathipala is ever willing to share his thoughts as to the state of the
Cricket Board then and now. He is ever willing to come back for the
greater good of the game to change the face of what he calls a
collapsing administration that lacks the professional skill to either
make Sri Lanka cricket financially viable, as he did when he turned a
bankrupt board in 2003 into a 70 million dollar overflowing success by
2005 when he left office. He can also handle the national team,
protecting the players as well as the board's rights such as the present
player impasse over the IPL and England tour participation to ensuring
that the team stays up the ladder in team rankings.
During our time we could not support schools' cricket as much as we
would have liked, because of financial problems. But we supported that
sector with materials, grounds and infrastructure development.
Our business plan in fact, included development of junior cricket
starting from U-13 to U-15, U-17 to U-19 where inter-district and
intra-district tournaments were conducted and talent identified and
squads formed and Inter-Provincial and Intra-Provincial Tournaments
conducted ending up at national level.
This enabled all above 19 who were outstanding from among handicapped
players from rural areas to win scholarships to the cricket academy,
Sumathipala said.
Further he said that in 1998, the first ever head office was provided
to Sri Lanka Cricket Association to conduct their affairs by me (Thilanga
Back seat in development
Sumathipala and Mohan de Silva both lament in unison that it is a
pity that although the team is doing well and maintaining success at
international level, we have gone back development-wise during the last
few years due to ironically the very thing he was accused of - financial
bungling that had reached its lowest depths during the Jayantha
Dharmadasa administration, running into millions - 'that has undone our
good work' he said.
Unfortunately, everytime we secured fruitful broadcasting rights
contract, our regime was suspended and Interim Committees brought in.
So, we had to go to courts, clear our names and comeback. Even with all
those difficulties and impediments that tarnished the country's image
abroad to the extent that we had difficulty in getting people to market
our broadcasting rights under a 4-year programme, we were able to
develop a 5-year business plan, which is the backbone to being
financially viable, in 2003 by marketing our broadcasting rights. That,
we did after the Nimbus contract was terminated by the Vijaya
Malalasekera Interim Committee.
To win back our good name in the international market, we had to in
fact, re-brand Sri Lanka Cricket by changing the name from Board of
Control for Cricket to Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC). When we assumed office
in 2003, we didn't even have a coach. In two weeks we got John Dyson and
built up the team which gathered fruit with Sri Lanka becoming No. 2 in
ODIs and 4th in Test rankings," Sumathipala said.
At the beginning of the year when we submitted our budgets, we knew
we would incur a Rs. 200 million loss. Don't forget, we never had World
Cup monies coming in. We were confronted with law suits, legal claims
for wrongful termination of a contract etc. The year 2004 was a bad
There were mostly outbound tours which does not generate much income.
But with the support of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI)
we were able to secure additional tours apart from the ICC Future Tour
Programme and go to the market with a total package and market our
Broadcasting Rights professionally, which netted in an hitherto
unprecedented amount of 52 Million US $," added Sumathipala.
He claims that when he was suspended and people, who could not come
through the democratic process brought in, he and his administration had
in fact, put the cricket board on its feet financially, and as well, the
success of the cricket team. The investigation against his
administration found that the charges were bogus corruption charges and
the report was swept under the carpet and the perpetrators were allowed
to continue in office.
Twenty20 cricket to stay
Sumathipala and De Silva, touching on the current player-SLC impasse,
both strongly believe that 'we must understand that Twenty/20 cricket,
whatever said and done, has come to stay.
Therefore, we must in future be conscious of the importance of
safeguarding the spirit of the game when planning our tours and strike a
balance when commercial avenues are pursued. It is sad to note that the
administration and players are at loggerheads on several issues.
We are of the view that cricketers have an obligation to represent
the country as a priority, but at the same time, whatever avenues that
are presented to the players from which they could benefit, they should
not be denied those opportunities.
One cannot overlook the fact that national players are professionals
who have acquired their positions sacrificing their valuable time,
effort and energy and through sheer hard work to reach this level.
Therefore, players have to be treated with more respect and dignity.
Sumathipala has kept waiting and keeps waiting in vain hope. You
can't keep a good man down forever.
Musical chairs of Dharamadasa brothers - one threw out Ana Punchihewa
after winning the World Cup other one remanded me (Sumathipala) by
political influence and came from the rear entrance as Chairman of the
Interim Committee.
Unless you keep these two away, you will never be able to stop
politicising of Cricket in Sri Lanka," he claimed.
Meanwhile, Jayantha Dharmadasa, when asked for his comments, said
that to his knowledge no AGM is scheduled to be held. |