Foodstuffs flood Kilinochchi
Govt continues to send essentials to the displaced
Welfare camps in Vavuniya set up swiftly:
By Dhaneshi YATAWARA
[email protected]
Sending essential items - food and non-food - is the main concern of
the Government. With great difficulties the Government officials from
top to bottom are involved in this long and strenuous relief work.
As the LTTE restricts the displaced people coming towards the cleared
areas they are compelled to run away more towards the Northeastern side
in the direction of Mullaitivu.
are catering to the new displaced people with assistance of the WFP.
Most of the new IDPs are with a host family at the moment," District
Secretary (GA) Ms. Charles told us during our visit to Vavuniya late
last week.
Present situation
And as for the IDPs who are stranded in the uncleared areas there are
six transit camps in the Vavuniya district where the escapees would be
given shelter initially. "After registering them there, we will given
them accommodation in the other three welfare camps," Charles said. The
ground work for setting up welfare camps is already in progress. "I'm
waiting for technical evaluations from the NGOs who agreed to assist
these displaced people," Ms. Charles said. The three welfare camps are
located at Menik Farm in Cheddikulam, Kalnatinakkulam,
Karuwelpuliyakulam. More than 100 acre land of the Menik farm has been
cleared and levelled.
"Safety of all these sites are assured by the security forces," she
According to the Assistant District Secretary, Kilinochchi based in
Vavuniya in the coordinating office for Kilinochchi GA, told us the
number of displaced people fluctuate day by day as they are trying to
move more towards Mullaitivu area. The items sent by the Government
through the Office of the Commissioner General for Essential Services
are then distributed by the GA Kilinochchi with the assistance of
volunteers. These items are sent to Multi Purpose Cooperative Society
The WFP is assisting the IDPs with issuing rice, flour, dhal, oil and
sugar. WFP handles their own transportation facilities. The other items
are transported by the GA's convoy.
On 23rd September five lorries loaded with food and another three
with kerosene were sent to Kilinochchi and on 07 October, 8 lorries were
sent in. The next convoy was getting ready to go on the 8 October while
we were at the Omanthai entry/exit point. By afternoon all the lorries
were allowed to proceed Kilinochchi after checking.
From September till 8 October, 865 metric tons of food and non food
items were sent to Kilinochchi.

Vanni Commander Major General Jagath Jayasooriya |

District Secretary Ms. Charles |
According to Mullaitivu Assistant District Secretary (AGA), Aarani
Thevabalan said after the Government declaring Oddusuddan and Vishwamadu
as safe zones with a radius of 10km, it encompasses Maritampattu and
Pudukudiyiruppu areas as well.
On 2 October seven lorries went to Mullaitivu carrying 40 mt of
sugar, 15.5 mt of flour, 8.109 mt of milk powder, 38.74 mt of other food
items and 2.259 mt of non food items. On 6 October 10 lorries went in
with two lorries carrying 17,550 liters of kerosene and eight lorries
carrying 39 mt of sugar, 2.82 mt of milk powder, 72.145 mt of other food
items and 16.527 mt of non food items. Normally a lorry can transport
10-12 mt of goods and 55-60 barrels of 210 litres. A normal bowser can
transport 13,200 litres of kerosene.
From past to present
The Internally displaced people are categorised for administrative
purposes into two, as old and new. Old IDPs are people who were
displaced before 2006 February and the new IDPs are the people who were
displaced after 2006 February. The Government through the ministries of
resettlement and disaster relief services and the Nation Building and
Estate Infrastructure Development provide facilities and relief items to
the old IDPs. And the new IDPs are looked after mainly by the World Food
Program and several other organisations. The WFP looks after their food
According to the data with the Ministry of Resettlement and Estate
Infrastructure Development (as of June 30) 1655 families received dry
rations while another set of 6492 IDP families living with relatives and
friends received dry rations. 363 resettled families as well as 2068
economically affected families also received these relief food items. In
Mullaitivu 587 families were given dry rations continuously by the
ministry in addition to another 18,039 families living with relatives
and friends. In Mannar, 377 families received dry rations through the
Ministry while another 3681 families living with family and friends are
also looked after as per the same set of data. 2068 economically
affected families and 363 resettled families are also given the dry
ration. In Vavuniya 1194 families in welfare camps receive these dry
rations 11,331 families living with family and friends and 749 families
resettled are receiving dry rations.
Safety assured
The Sri Lanka Army 56 division in charge of the Omanthai entry/exit
point is extending their fullest support to make the checking more swift
with their available human and material resources. They are equipped
with high tech explosive and unauthorized item detectors and the
Officers and soldiers are conducting this strenuous work without
delaying the supply chain. So far the Sri Lanka Army did not attack the
A9 road and kept it free but securing at the same time. "We never
targeted the A9 road as we knew that would be the route for the
civilians to evacuate the uncleared areas," the Vanni Security Forces
Commander Major General Jagath Jayasooriya when we met him at the Vanni
Security Forces Headquarters last week. |