Mobitel's Upahara package -most attractive
The Mobitel Upahara package is the most attractive package to be
introduced for government sector employees and pensioners in the
country, said Chairperson, Sri Lanka Telecom Mobitel Leisha De Silva

The Upahara Mobitel package was introduced to Lake House staff
on Thursday. Here Chairperson, SLT Mobitel, Leisha De Silva
Chandrasena presents a ‘Giant Upahara SIM’ to Chairman Lake
House, Bandula Padmakumara. CEO, SLT Mobitel, Suren Amarasekera,
Minister Bandula Gunawardana and Chairman State Trading
Corporation, Pradeep Gunawardane look on. Picture by
Sumanachandra Ariyawansa. |
She said that the package offers a host of benefits to customers
including free outgoing calls to fixed lines.
No operator looked after the interests of the state sector and
therefore we decided to launch the package which is highly successful,
said Chandrasena launching the Upahara package at the Associated
Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd. Board Room.
Trade, Marketing Development Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs
Minister Bandula Gunawardena said that this package was launched as a
promise in keeping with the Mahinda Chinthana, the Manifesto of the UPFA
which wanted to give benefits to all sectors of the society including
the state sector.
Minister Gunawardena said that by launching this package Mobitel is
in a position to give financial and non financial benefits to customers.
He said that with the high cost-of-living the people are requesting
for a salary increase but the government is not in a position to fulfil
it at present due to so many reasons.
Therefore, people who are on this package can save money which can be
utilised for other expenses.
With the introduction of Upahara, other operators too have reduced
charges and the ultimate beneficiary is the customer, said the minister.
He said that if the telephone bills are managed carefully it can lead
to a lot of savings. |