Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 12 October 2008





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Feng-Shui can usher in prosperity

The age-old traditional science of Feng-Shui is used by many business tycoons, politicians and CEOs as a management tool to increase the sales revenue, business profits, grow the business, expand the customer base and productivity.

The Feng-Shui shop

To increase sales revenue tape three emperor coins tied together with a red string to the sales file, invoice books or your cashier counters.

The coins symbolise newly found money luck while the red string activates Yang energy. Another method of increasing sales revenue is to keep an abacus, golden garlic or the crab on the CEO's or the manager's desk. The golden garlic and the abacus are symbols of wealth while the crab helps to take good strategic decisions at all times.

Feng-Shui tips for the workplace

*Sit with a solid wall behind you to ensure that you have a support. If there is a window behind you cover it with curtains or a solid divider.
* Always place fax machines, telephones and computers in the wealth area as these activate the Chi to make it strong and powerful.
* Never have the main entrance opening directly to your table as the Chi coming is too harsh causing bad luck obstacles and problems to manifest.
* Senior managers should not occupy rooms with two doors as this causes conflts and two many opinions.
* CEOs who wish to rise to greater heights are advised to place a dragon on the left hand side of their desk (facing towards the door) and a monkey sitting on an elephant in front.
* Cactus and other sharp looking plants should be banned from the office as these plants cause killing energy to pervade the office.
* Tables and chairs should be placed in a way that enable the Chi to flow.
* If the staff falls sick frequently hang six rod metal windchimes to overcome illness.
* Placing an empty vase next to the main door is inauspicious.
* The company signboard should be in the wealth area to tap into the auspicious Chi (energy)
* Avoid clutter in the office desks they should be kept neat and tidy.

To increase business profits place wealth enhancing symbols such as a pot of gold, box of ingots, basket of money notes or several golden ships with gold and wealth in the correct place. Using symbols to generate wealth luck works quickly.

To expand the customer base, publicity and advertising alone is not sufficient. Therefore, it should be supplemented with a Feng-Shui tip.

Use a compass to locate your south sector and place the auspicious horse.

The horse symbolises Yang Chi and it belongs to the fire element which reflects the glory of the south sector.

An auspicious horse can be a tribute horse bringing gold or it can be a victory horse that can run faster than the swallow.

Many interior decorators who know about Feng-Shui ask to display a beautiful hores in the office lobby to bring powerful Chi to the company to increase productivity, improve staff morale, reduce employee turnover and improve the health of the workforce thereby reducing medical expenses as well as worker absenteeism.

The first step to increase productivity is to recruit compatible people.

This can be done by getting to know under which animal the person is born. Once you know this you can check his or her compatibility with others.

The next step is to seat every member of your management team according to his or her personal best directions which is based on the KUA formula. (It is based on the birth date and gender.)

Thilangani Herath, master practitioner and consultant in Feng-Shui.

With every member sitting in a way that allows them to tap into their good directions, harmony will reign in the office.

If you want to make sure that none of your employees fight with one another display a bowl of red apples.

The common cause for high employee turnover is unhappiness at the office. When tensions and quarrels enter the office increase the amount of fire element Chi in the workplace by painting a wall red as well as the filing cabinet in red.

The other simple thing is increasing the brightness of the office.

The information was provided by Thilangani Herath.


Thilangani Herath, master practitioner and consultant in Feng-Shui studied under the world-renowned Feng-Shui experts Lillian Too and Joey Yap at the Lillian Too Institute of Feng-Shui and Master Academy of Chinese Metaphysics - Malaysia in addition to various other Feng-Shui masters. She is the first author in Sri lanka to publish a book on Feng-Shui.


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