Promoting English as a link language in Sri Lanka:
Path to national integration and prosperity
[email protected]
The history of English Language Education goes back to the colonial
era when British introduced English as the medium of instruction from
school to the Universities. At that time, English was also the language
of administration and commerce.
When the British left our shores, Sri Lanka was considered as the
jewel of its colonies with an English educated bureaucracy and system of
education which was in par with the education system in Britain.
Although it has been conveniently forgotten, the fact remains that
colonial masters ‘tongue English acted as a unifying factor in the
struggle for independence. English was the language which linked diverse
races such as Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims with one another. As the
medium of instruction was English, it was possible for Sinhalese, Tamils
and Muslim students to sit together in the same class room and to enjoy
an education which enabled them to further study and work in any part of
the globe.
Formation of mono-lingual constituencies
However, this advantageous position that Sri Lanka enjoyed over the
other colonies at the independence from Britain was changed with
linguistic politics. Subsequent to the independence and cultural and
linguistic revival, it was a widely held belief that Sinhalese and Tamil
should replace with English. Culminating of this idea was the passing of
the Official Language Act. Though the Act had its own economic and
political ramification, primarily it had divided the population on
linguistic lines, virtually creating mutually exclusive mono-lingual
constituencies, in the North and the East and in the South.
Among other things, switching of the medium of instruction at schools
and Universities from English to Sinhala and Tamil has adversely
affected the identify formation on the part of the students belonging to
diverse ethnicities. For instance, a Tamil student who studies in the
Tamil medium tends to form a Tamil identity rather than a Sri Lankan
As there is little or no interaction between individuals belonging to
diverse races at any stage of education, understanding of one another’s
culture remains at a very low level, effectively hampering national
integration. Besides the mutually exclusive mono-lingual constituencies
would, in the long run, re-affirm racial, linguistic, religious and
regional prejudices among different communities.
Current situation
By now, the linguistically segregated system of education has
produced a generation of professionals, office workers, administrators,
teachers and even academics who could not work in any part of the
country other than the areas where they currently established themselves
and work in Tamil or Sinhala. The by product of this vicious circle is
that the individuals who were educated exclusively in either Tamil or
Sinhala are not in a position to up-to-date knowledge and skills. As
these individuals are virtually cut off from a growing body of knowledge
in English, they, though may be graduates, could not fill the vacancies
generated by the private sector in general and transnational companies
in particular. Therefore, it is imperative that government should make
policy initiatives to promote English as a link language.
Why English should be a link language?
In a world of increasingly interdependence, the need for a common
language or lingua franca is felt today than ever before. Although
French and German are widely used in communicating, English remains as
the most spread language. Therefore, it is logical to adapt English as a
link language in order to arrest the negative trends which are
detrimental to the wellbeing of individuals and long term progress of a
However, concrete policy decisions have to be taken to lay a firm
foundation for the English Language Teaching in Sri Lanka (ELT) and to
promote English as learner-friendly language. The time is ripe to make a
perceptional change with regard to the usage of English. It has now been
an accepted fact that there are different dialects of English as well as
different sub-varieties of English. For instance, Indian English has
been recognized as a sub-variety. Significant aspect of these different
dialects is that large numbers of words from local languages and
phonetics have been assimilated into English whilst preserving the
fundamental characteristics of the language.
Better English better opportunities
Apart from widening one’s world view, English offers wide range of
opportunities at all levels of one’s education and also improves better
employment prospects. It is, therefore, important to encourage the use
of English at all levels and to promote the use of English within an
organization where diverse races and nationalities interact on a common
platform.For instance, English can be adapted as language of
administration in an established newspaper publishing house where wide
range of newspapers, magazines and periodicals are published in
different languages. In such a set up, it is advisable to adapt English
as language of administration and a link language instead of preferring
one language to another. Interaction among editorial members of
otherwise mutually exclusive editorial such as English, Sinhalese and
Tamil can be promoted through the increasing use of English. It should
be emphasized here that this would not in any way hamper the progress of
native languages as in this instance Sinhala and Tamil are being widely
used out side the organisation.
Improve standards of ELT
The general standard of English Language Teaching should be improved
with a special emphasis on imparting communicative skills to the
students. In order to improve ELT at provincial level, government can
solicit assistance from NGOs, INGOs as well as volunteers. Measures such
as introducing link language classes for trainees during training
sessions, promoting Shakespeare drama competitions and activities like
English Day, teaching link language to graduate to improve their
employment prospects can be adapted.
With the help of international community, incentives such as
continuous in -service training and overseas training for teachers can
be provided to further their studies in ELT. Since there is growing
demand for learning English in Sri Lanka, the task of raising general
standards of English and promoting it as a link language would not be
difficult if there is a concerted effort to address issues pertaining to
English Language Teaching in Sri Lanka.
Strengthening mother tongue based bi-lingual education, assisting
pre-school teachers to be tri-lingual, re-introducing English as a
medium of instruction in schools and universities, promoting English
learning/teaching in rural areas and research in the field of ELT would
help further reduce educational gap at various levels.
(The article is based on a Workshop held at Fredrik Ebert Foundation
on promoting English as a link language. The workshop was jointly
organized by SPARC and Fredrik Ebert Foundation)