Oldest rocks on Earth found in northern Canada
A pinkish tract of bedrock on the eastern shore of Canada's Hudson
Bay contains the oldest known rocks on Earth, formed 4.28 billion years
ago, not long after the planet was formed, scientists said.
The rocks may be remnants (leftovers) of Earth's primordial (existing
at the very beginning) crust, which formed on the planet's surface as it
cooled following the birth of the solar system, according to Jonathan
O'Neil of McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
"Maybe it was the original crust, and before that there was no stable
crust on the Earth. That's a big question," O'Neil said in a telephone
A portion of
the oldest-known rocks on Earth |
The expanse in northern Quebec, measuring about 4 square miles (10
square km), is made up of the volcanic rock basalt. To determine the age
of the rocks, geochemists used isotopic (of the same element) dating
methods analyzing the elements samarium and neodymium.
The scientists, who describe the discovery in the journal Science,
said studying these rocks can give clues about what the planet was like
early in its history. The solar system, including the Earth, was formed
about 4.57 billion years ago. These rocks date from roughly 290 million
years later.
Richard Carlson of the Carnegie Institution of Washington said
certain characteristics of the rocks suggest that water was already
present on the Earth's surface. Scientists debate when oceans first
appeared and whether water formed on the planet or was brought here when
icy comets struck it.
The nature of the rocks also gives clues as to temperatures when they
formed, Carlson said.
"Probably when the planet formed it was a cauldron, but even this
early in Earth history, it had cooled down to something not dramatically
different from today - probably hotter but not dramatically hotter,"
Carlson said.
The scientists did not find direct evidence of life in the rocks. The
earliest life is thought to have been bacteria.
"We know that probably the right environment was there for life to be
on the Earth - so liquid water and all it takes to have life. Now was
there life? This is a big question mark," O'Neil said.
The previously known oldest rocks, in Canada's Northwest Territories,
are 4.03 billion years old.
While some tiny mineral grains from western Australia date from 4.36
billion years ago, no complete rocks have been found older than these
newly identified ones, the scientists said. The rocks, found in an area
called the Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt, are a pinkish, brownish colour.
"It's a very pretty rock. It's layered pink. And then it's got big
garnets in it that make big, round blobs in the layering," Carlson said.