CB’s prudent policies pay dividends - Governor
The impact of the global financial crisis on the domestic financial
system is minimal due to the prudent policies adopted by the Central
Bank of Sri Lanka, said Governor Central Bank (CB) Ajith Nivard Cabraal.

Ajith Nivard Cabraal |
He said that the Central Bank has been vigilant in maintaining stable
interest and exchange rates to protect the domestic economy and
strengthen it. Our exchange rate has been stable for over one year and
the CB has opened Treasury Bill and Bond markets to foreign investors
with carefully placed limits while creating buffets to meet the threat
of a sudden capital flight.
Cabraal said that the CB has been highly concerned about the adverse
implications that would arise due to any indisciplined lending by banks.
Therefore, the CB had directed all banks to make a general provision
of 1% on performing loans and advances in November 2006, and increased
the risk weight applicable for housing loans from 50% to 55% during the
same time.
In addition, the CB placed a limit on commercial banks’ borrowings
from abroad to 15% of their capital, formalised and strengthened the
bank’s supervision activities and educated the banks on the management
of risks, internationally, the CB invested its external reserves with
highly rated international banks, absorbed an additional US $ 600 mln
from the foreign exchange market and dealt with inflation in a decisive
manner which resulted in it recording a gradual decline.
He said that the CB is regularly examining the country’s financial
relations with all their counterparts and financial institutions and are
constantly acting to avoid any liquidity shortfall and are conducting
discussions with commercial banks.
Cabraal said that notwithstanding all these efforts - if this global
crisis prevails for a longer period and many countries suffer from
recession Sri Lanka’s exports too could be affected although in a
limited way because of the nature of our exports.
Therefore, exporters have to be vigilant of this situation and take
measures to handle such an eventuality and continue to improve their
He assured that the government and the CB will take all steps to meet
the rapidly unfolding challenges and added that they are confident that
they can face these challenges.
SG |