'Vehicle emissions and new regulations for motor vehicles'
The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) will hold a
half day seminar presentation on " Vehicle Emissions and New Rules
Regulations for Motor Vehicles" on Friday, October 24, from 2.30 to 5.30
p.m. at the Chamber auditorium.
The Resource persons will be B. Wijeratne, Commissioner of Motor
Traffic, Anura Jayathileke, Director, Ministry of Environmental and
Natural Resources, Dr. Ruwan Wijemuni, Chief Deputy Medical Officer, CMC
and Dr. Pradeep Kariyawasam, Chief Medical Officer, CMC and supported by
a panel for discussion.
The seminar has been organised to create awareness and educate the
public on the most crucial issue of air and environmental pollution
created by thousands of vehicles and the dangerous health hazards to
human beings.
In keeping with the current world trend Sri Lanka is expected to
implement stringent measures to control air pollution.
It is said that almost 3.2 million diesel and petrol vehicles are
being used on the roads and the impact to the environment through the
emission of petrol and diesel is very significant.
It has created a severe health hazard to the environment.
Participants will be given a thorough understanding of the new rules,
regulations and measures implemented by the RMV and also on the current
services and facilities available at the RMV. |