SLT sponsors Young Computer Scientist Awards
The seventh Young Computer Scientists (YCS) Awards sponsored by SLT
was at the HNB Auditorium under the patronage of Director, University of
Colombo School of Computing Dr. Ruwan Weerasinghe.
The Sri Lanka Association for the Software Industry (SLASI), the
national organisation representing the Software Industry and a member of
INFOTEL has organised the Young Computer Scientist Competition for the
past seven years. The program is modelled on the Asia Pacific ICT Awards
The main sponsor for this year's YCS award was Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT),
Microsoft - Sri Lanka and Mobitel being the co-sponsors.
The YCS competition is supported by the Ministry of Education and
endorsed by ICTA and is conducted on an islandwide basis with the
support of their heads of schools or principals.
It aims at stimulating, rewarding as well as emphasizing the creative
and potential computing talents of the young schoolchildren at an early
stage and eventually gear them to embark on a career in information
The emergence of new technologies, such as wireless and sensor
networks, GRID computing, ubiquitous and self-organised Internet and ad
hoc networks in recent years is exerting an incredible influence on our
society and is changing the way in which people work and live.
Information Technology has become a main focus and the mainstream of
research and development in the academic community and the driving force
for the development of new industrial and consumer products. |