Sri Lanka achieved milestones in protecting ozone layer
International Ozone Day:
In an exclusive interview with Sunday Observer, Dr. W. L.
Sumathipala, Director National Ozone Unit explains many milestones that
Sri Lanka achieved in executing the Montreal Protocol and significance
public awareness in protecting ozone layer.
Interviewed by Indeewara THILAKARATHNE
Q: What is the significance of World Ozone Day?
A: In 1987 protocol now known as Montreal Protocol was signed
and the objectives of protocol is to eliminate use, production or trade
of ozone depleting substances. As the Montreal Protocol was signed on
September 16, 1987, September 16 is declared as International Ozone Day.
At present 193 countries have become parties to the protocol. These
countries celebrate International Ozone Day and it is also celebrated at
national level.

Here Director National Ozone Unit Dr. W. L. Sumathipala receives
Climate Protection Award 2008 Ozone Layer Protection United
States Environment Protection Agency. |
Sri Lanka became a signatory to the Montreal Protocol in 1989 and the
National Ozone Unit to carry out the mandate given by the Montreal
Protocol was set up in 1994. From that day onward, Sri Lanka also joined
in celebrating International Ozone Day.
The recovery of the hole in the ozone layer is a long term process.
Once the ozone depleting substances released into the atmosphere, they
will active for hundred years or more than that. These substances keep
on destroying the ozone layer. Protocol came into effect in 1987 and the
substances released before are still in the atmosphere. The use,
production and trade of ozone depleting substances were reduced on time
targets set up by the Protocol. To a certain extent, some of the
substances are still being released into the atmosphere.
Q: what is the current position with regard to the
implementation of the Montreal Protocol?
A: By the 2001, the depletion of ozone layer peaked and there
is trend of recovery of ozone layer. However, it will not happen
immediately. It has been forecast that complete recovery will occur in
sixty years' time. By curbing the emission of ozone depleting substances
into the atmosphere, depletion of ozone layer can be slowed down. But
production of ozone is a natural process. Ninety five percent of release
of ozone depleting substances has been completely phased out and by 2010
use of CFC is to completely phase out. Sri Lankan's consumption of CFC,
at present, is zero, although there are old stocks of CFC in the
country. Some of the developing countries are to eliminate CFC.
There are 96 chemicals such as ODS, Halons have been identified and
to be phased out. Phasing out of these chemicals commence in developing
countries in 2015. However, HCFC is not that powerful as compared to
CFC. It has little ozone depleting potential.
Q: What are the activities the National Ozone Unit has
undertaken in carrying out Montreal Protocol?
A: After signing the Protocol in 1989, the National Ozone Unit
(NOU) commenced its work. A survey was carried out and identified areas
where ozone depleting substances are sued. So we brought in projects to
convert these industries into ozone friendly industries. NOU has
provided refrigeration industry with financial, technical assistance and
converted them into ozone friendly industry.
There were companies which produced perfume and used CFC. In 2002, we
were able to convert it into an ozone friendly industry providing them
with technical assistance. So in this country there are no industries
using CFC today. Under the time target set by the Montreal Protocol, we
have taken steps to eliminate 6 other chemicals. So we are successful in
eliminating all of these substances.
In 20th year celebrations of the Montreal Protocol which was held
last year, NOU received Implementers Award of Montreal Protocol. This
year's celebrations were held at National Youth Centre in Maharagama
with Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka as the chief guest.

The Montreal Protocol Implementers Award. |
Throughout the years, NOU has been conducting training programmes
including those conducted for custom officers to detect ozone depleting
substances and prevent them from entering the country. NOU also provided
custom officers with equipment and technical assistant for the detection
of such material.
Competitions among children, poster campaign, drama competitions, and
essay competitions have been conducted as a part of the awareness
campaign launched by NOU. Competition for media has also held and
certificates among the winner in diverse categories were distributed at
the function.
One of the important items of the International Ozone Day was the
drama competition and Viridu (ballad) competition. In addition
television programme was also produced. I was featured in the "Subahrati"
on SLBC and "Hatveni peya" on ITN.
New array of projects have been designed to curb HCFC in Sri Lanka
and recovery and re-cycling of chemicals which are used in
refrigeration, has also been done through on-going projects. Recovery of
gases in the old equipments will save environment from being polluted
and would be more economical than replacing the old refrigerating
equipments with new ones.
Halon Management Bank, which is to collect halon used for fire
fighting equipments and re-use them in appropriately way.
I put more emphasis on awareness than implementation rules and
regulations because if the people are aware of the dangers, they will
comply with the regulations. Now at school level, under Environment
Science, Ozone layer depletion and Climate change have been introduced.
This year I received USEPA Award (United States Environment Protection
Agency Award) for the outstanding contribution for the protection of
ozone layer at global level and the global environment.