Wash your hands to keep diseases at bay
Lanka joined the first-ever Global Hand-Washing Day, to raise awareness
about taking care of basic hygiene. The Ministry of Healthcare and
Nutrition, Ministry of Education and the Unilever Group joined to
conduct a "clean hands" project islandwide to educate children about the
advantages of basic hygienic practices, especially washing hands
regularly. The UN General Assembly designated 2008 the International
Year of Sanitation and the Global Handwashing Day is expected to
reinforce the call for improved hygiene practices.
Handwashing with soap is the most effective and inexpensive way to
prevent diarrhoeal and acute respiratory infections, which take the
lives of millions of children in developing countries every year.
Together, they are responsible for the majority of all child deaths.
Yet, despite its lifesaving potential, handwashing with soap is seldom
practised and difficult to promote.
The challenge is to transform handwashing with soap from an abstract
good idea into an automatic behaviour performed in homes, schools, and
communities worldwide. Turning handwashing with soap before eating and
after using the toilet into an ingrained habit could save more lives
than any single vaccine or medical intervention, cutting deaths from
diarrhoea by almost half and deaths from acute respiratory infections by
one-quarter. A vast change in handwashing behaviour is critical to
meeting the Millennium Development Goal of reducing deaths among
children under the age of five by two-thirds by 2015.
Handwashing is a simple habit, something most people do without

Yet handwashing, when done properly, is one of the best ways to avoid
getting sick. This simple habit requires only soap and warm water or an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer - a cleanser that doesn't require water. Do
you know the benefits of good hand hygiene and when and how to wash your
hands properly?
Health benefits
Despite the proven health benefits of handwashing, many people don't
practise this habit as often as they should - even after using the
Throughout the day you accumulate germs on your hands from a variety
of sources, such as direct contact with people, contaminated surfaces,
foods, even animals and animal waste. If you don't wash your hands
frequently enough, you can infect yourself with these germs by touching
your eyes, nose or mouth. And you can spread these germs to others by
touching them or by touching surfaces that they also touch, such as
Infectious diseases that are commonly spread through hand-to-hand
contact include the common cold, flu and several gastrointestinal
disorders, such as infectious diarrhoea. While most people will get over
a cold, the flu can be much more serious. Some people with the flu,
particularly older adults and people with chronic medical problems, can
develop pneumonia. The combination of the flu and pneumonia, in fact, is
the eighth-leading cause of death among Americans.
Inadequate hand hygiene also contributes to food-related illnesses,
such as salmonella and E. coli infection. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as many as 76 million Americans
get a food-borne illness each year. Of these, about 5,000 die as a
result of their illness. Others experience the annoying signs and
symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Proper techniques
Good hand-washing techniques include washing your hands with soap and
water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Antimicrobial wipes or
towelettes are just as effective as soap and water in cleaning your
hands but aren't as good as alcohol-based sanitizers.
Antibacterial soaps have become increasingly popular in recent years.
However, these soaps are no more effective at killing germs than is
regular soap. Using antibacterial soaps may lead to the development of
bacteria that are resistant to the products' antimicrobial agents -
making it even harder to kill these germs in the future. In general,
regular soap is fine. The combination of scrubbing your hands with soap
- antibacterial or not - and rinsing them with water loosens and removes
bacteria from your hands.
* Proper handwashing with soap and water* Follow these instructions
for washing with soap and water:
* Wet your hands with warm, running water and apply liquid soap or
use clean bar soap. Lather well.
* Rub your hands vigorously together for at least 15 to 20 seconds.
* Scrub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists,
between your fingers and under your fingernails.
* Rinse well.
* Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel.
* Use a towel to turn off the faucet.
* When should you wash your hands?*
Although it's impossible to keep your bare hands germ-free, there are
times when it's critical to wash your hands to limit the transfer of
bacteria, viruses and other microbes.
Always wash your hands:
After using the toilet
After changing a diaper - wash the diaper-wearer's hands, too.
After touching animals or animal waste.
Before and after preparing food, especially before and immediately
after handling raw meat, poultry or fish Before eating.
After blowing your nose.
After coughing or sneezing into your hands.
Before and after treating wounds or cuts
Before and after touching a sick or injured person.
After handling garbage.
Before inserting or removing contact lenses.
When using public restrooms, such as those in airports, train
stations, bus stations and restaurants.
Kids and clean hands
You can help your children avoid getting sick by insisting that they
wash their hands properly and frequently. To get kids into the habit,
teach by example. Wash your hands with your children and supervise their
hand washing. Place hand-washing reminders at children's eye level, such
as a chart by the bathroom sink for children to mark every time they
wash their hands. Make sure the sink is low enough for children to use,
or that it has a stool underneath so that children can reach it. Tell
your children to wash their hands for as long as it takes them to sing
their ABCs, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" or the "Happy Birthday" song. This
works especially well with younger children, who may rush when washing
their hands.
Older children and adolescents also can use alcohol-based hand
Younger children can use them, too - with an adult's help. Just make
sure the sanitizer has completely dried before your child touches
anything. This will avoid ingestion of alcohol from hand-to-mouth
contact. Store the container safely away after use. Hand washing is
especially important for children who attend child care. Children
younger than 3 years in child care are at greater risk of respiratory
and gastrointestinal diseases, which can easily spread to family members
and others in the community.
To protect your child's health, be sure your child care provider
promotes sound hygiene, including frequent handwashing or use of
alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Ask whether the children are required to
wash their hands several times a day - not just before meals. Note, too,
whether diapering areas are cleaned after each use and whether eating
and diapering areas are well separated.
Simple way
Handwashing doesn't take much time or effort, but it offers great
rewards in terms of preventing illness. Adopting this simple habit can
play a major role in protecting your health.
How to defeat your anger!
MBBS, MD Specialist Physician and Senior Lecturer, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Colombo.
Have you ever been angry? If the answer to this question is "yes" we
need to discuss a little further about your anger. How often do you get
angry? Perhaps you get angry almost all the time, very often or often.
You are lucky if you feel angry only occasionally or rarely.

How angry do you get when you are angry? On some occasions your anger
could have been unbearable? You may have felt as if you were going to
burst with anger? On other occasions you may have been able to bear your
anger without great difficulty. However you may still have felt very
angry. On yet other occasions you may not have felt angry but only
annoyed. Whatever your experiences may have been related to anger and
its intensity, you may agree that anger is a very nasty and distressing
state of mind. You cannot be happy when you are angry. You cannot
concentrate when you are angry. So undoubtedly anger causes a great deal
of misery and may be your worst enemy at times. If so anger needs to be
dealt with effectively. If you are to defeat anger you need to study
this formidable enemy very carefully indeed.
What makes or made you angry? You may feel or may have felt angry for
different reasons at different times. Think whether these are or were
the reasons for your anger.
1. Somebody has done, is doing, or is going to do something that you
do not like, do not want or is harmful to you or the people you like and
2. Somebody is helping, has helped or is friendly with people you do
not like.
3. "Problems" in your surroundings. You may feel angry when it is
raining or not raining. You may feel angry when the weather is too warm
or cold. You may get angry when there is a sudden electricity failure or
when the water supply is discontinued suddenly. Sometimes you may be
angry at what ever is happening or not happening around you!
Consequences of your anger Have you ever thought about the
consequences and effects of your anger? The first victim of your anger
is your self. Why is that? Anger is like a fire in your mind. It hurts.
It burns. It destroys. It makes you miserable and stressed. Anger
destroys your good looks. Anger destroys and ruins your friendships and
relationships. Anger causes you to act without thinking and do unlawful
things at times. It can cause you great embarrassment at times. Frequent
anger can lead to diseases related to long term stress such as high
blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and depression. Frequent anger
can lead to bad habits such as alcoholism, smoking and illicit drug use.
Anger can also harm others at times, mentally as well as physically.
Other people may be hurt, frightened and disappointed by your anger. You
may do them physical harm at times. You may think that frightening and
dominating others is rewarding. You may believe that anger is a powerful
tool of getting your way in things. However you only realize later that
you have become a looser when you have lost respect, care, affection and
love of your associates and loved ones through your anger.
On the other hand, sometimes your anger can make other people happy
and satisfied. So is not this a good thing you may ask? Depends! If they
wanted to make you loose your temper, loose yourself control and wanted
you to suffer because of your anger I doubt whether you consider it as a
good thing! People may try to provoke you on purpose with an ulterior
motive of bringing you down and destroying your image. You are playing
into their hands by becoming angry. If anger is so destructive why on
earth do you give into anger? It is surely not because you like to be
unhappy, stressful and live in misery. Perhaps you may not know how to
deal with it properly. If this is the case try this method out the next
time you are angry.
1. Take a broader view of your anger. Divide anger into components.
A. What is the Object (person, thing or reason) of your anger;
Reflect that the world is not perfect and will never be perfect. You are
very unlikely to be able to change and control the whole external world
the way you want. This applies to the object that has made you angry as
well, who is part and parcel of this imperfect world. Therefore realize
that it is useless getting angry at this object.
B. What does anger do to your mind? Your mind is distressed, confused
and unclear. In other words you are going to loose your power over your
mind if you let this anger continue any longer.
C. What does your anger do to your body? You feel your heart beating
fast. Your breathing pattern has changed. Your body has become tense.
Some times you may feel as if you were going to suffer a heart attack or
stroke or collapse to the ground because of uncontrollable anger. You
feel very uncomfortable and helpless. You are about to loose your
control over your body.
1. Tell yourself that you do not want to suffer and cause harm to
your mind and body this way.
2. Tell yourself that you will be able to prevent this misery if you
do not entertain anger any longer.
3. Tell yourself to let go of anger immediately and completely.
When you step aside like this and analyze your anger and look at
yourself objectively in this manner you weaken your anger until it has
completely faded away. At the same time your mind becomes clearer and
more focused. You find that you can identify your choices in the
situation better and act more rationally. You save yourself and others
from unnecessary suffering and stress. You avoid taking wrong decisions
that may be very difficult to reverse. You save yourself and others from
diseases related to chronic stress such as hypertension, heart disease,
diabetes and mental illnesses.
So the next time you are angry
1. Recognize that you are angry.
2. Realize that you, and only you have opened the door of your mind
to this enemy called anger and let it take charge of your mind.
3. Realize that you are now unhappy, stressed and hurt by your anger.
4. Realize that the only person on earth that can defend you from
your anger, protect you from your anger and control and get rid of your
anger is only you and nobody else.
5. The power of defeating anger is in your hands. It is so easy. You
do not need to change any thing or any body around you. The only person
you need to change to win over anger and to be happy is YOU and you
only! Why wait and suffer then? Change yourself until you defeat anger.
You and your baby
Odyssey of sperm
Consultant Gynaecologist, Castle Street Hospital for

Sperm is the male counterpart which contains all the genetic material
required for the beginning of a new life. Therefore the sperm contains
half of the genetic material that we inherit from our parents. Sperms
are special cells needed for reproduction and produced by the testicles
which are situated inside the scrotum. Unlike the egg, the early sperm
cells start their division at the time of puberty onwards. It takes
about 70-80 days for the process of formation of mature sperms from its
primitive cells. The initial sperms produced cannot swim as they cannot
move forward.
This property of moving forward or maturity is achieved when these
sperms reach the lower part of the male reproductive system. One has to
have more than 20 million sperms per ml for normal fertility to occur.
All human beings have few millions of abnormal sperms despite having
normal fertility.
The temperature of the scrotum has to be less than the body
temperature for optimum sperm production. Some viral infections like
mumps, radiation, toxins etc may affect the quality and the quantity of
How can I check if my sperms are of good quality?
This should only be done if you or your wife has a problem in getting
conceived(subfertility). The only way to check this is by doing a test
called seminal fluid analysis. This test has to be done following three
days abstinence of sex. The specimen has to be produced at the site of
the place of examination as examination has to be done as soon as
possible. Delay between the time of production and time of examination
can give a false result. A bottle with a wide neck should be used as a
bottle with a narrow neck makes collection difficult. Improper
collection can lead to a false positive result. |