Do You Panic at Review Time?
How to Sail Through Your Annual Review
For many workers, having an annual performance review is a catalyst.
The intense focus on your performance can make you rethink your approach
to work, and often gives you new ideas on how to better do your job.
It's also a time to set objectives for the coming year.
As time goes by, however, your daily responsibilities can shift those
goals to the back burner. You may have an external distraction, like
training a new employee. Perhaps you've had to assume new tasks or
increase your workload. For many of you, the pace of your day-to-day job
leaves little time to focus on long-range planning.
tempting to hit the panic button at review time if your ideas and goals
have taken a backseat to your duties. What should you do to increase
your chances of a positive review (and a matching increase in pay)
Here's a checklist that will put you and your accomplishments in the
best possible light.
Put it on paper
Have a look at the existing job description for your role. Summarize
what you've been up to and make a list of EVERYTHING you do. Your
manager has hopefully documented your progress, too, but your list may
be a reminder of something forgotten or overlooked.
Harriet Cohen, founder of Training Solutions, a California-based
training firm, tells employees to be prepared to show accomplishments
and have documentation that validates those results. "They should have a
list of what goals they exceeded as well as what goals they had
difficulty achieving," Cohen says.
You should also do a "self-review." If your manager or supervisor
hasn't officially asked you to conduct a self-assessment, take a look at
your previous review and make an outline of how you would rate your
"I think employees should look at themselves like a balance sheet
with assets on one side and liabilities on the other," states Brian
Sommer, president of TechVentive Inc., a Chicago-based technology
development company. "From one review period to the next, I want to know
what the employee has done to improve their value to the firm and their
Wrap it up
If you have any projects that are in limbo, now is an ideal time to
put the finishing touches on them. It may require extra effort and extra
time, but being able to include a completed project in your job summary
is a big bonus.
If the project is still in progress, give your manager a detailed
summary of what progress you have made, as well as an explanation of any
external issues that might be holding its completion up.
Approach the review with honesty and candor
All of us make mistakes. We may have overlooked a task at work or
fallen behind on a project. Or personal issues may have affected our
attendance record or our ability to report to work on time.
It's important to discuss any issues that surfaced during your review
period. That discussion should summarize what happened, how the issue
was resolved and what progress has been made since the incident
Peggy Baldwin, director of professional development at Stevenson
University in Maryland, believes this could be turned into a positive.
"It's important to have examples of what didn't go so well and what
you learned from that."
Avoid the panic button altogether
If you're reaching for the panic button before every annual review,
you can take proactive steps that will make the process easier for you
and your manager.
If you are only getting feedback from your manager or supervisor once
a year, establish a time when you can have mini-reviews or progress
Suggest a monthly or quarterly meeting, during which you can discuss
your progress and any tools or resources you may need.
Keep a file, folder or binder on your desk as a repository for any
documents you want to keep for your next review. Be sure to keep
documents that show the completion of a project or transaction, as well
as any commendations or praise from co-workers or external clients.If
your company has a program that provides educational opportunities for
employees, take advantage of that resource. You may have an option to
take career-enhancing courses online or take courses for credit at a
local college. Many companies offer tuition reimbursement programs. The
more knowledge you gain and use at work, the more marketable you are at
review time.