Sri Lanka gained Test status in cricket due to late Gamini
By Premasara EPASINGHE
The 14th Death Anniversary of late Gamini Dissanayake will be held
at the site of the statue of this great leader, in Kadadora, Kotmale on
19th October 2008 at 10.00 a.m., under the distinguished patronage of
Tikiri Kobbekaduwa, Governor, Central Province, Karu Jayasuriya,
Minister of Public Administration and Home Affairs, Maithripala Sirisena,
Minister of Agriculture Development and Agrarian Services. This ceremony
at the historic Kadadora Kotmale is organised by Gamini Dissanayake
Commemoration Society and Gamini Dissanayake Foundation.

Late Gamini Dissanayake - chiefly responsible in getting Test
status for Sri Lanka cricket. |
Late GAMINI DISSANAYAKE: The name of late minister Mr. Gamini
Dissanayake will live long in the memory of all Sri Lankans who had the
good fortune to meet him in his official capacity as Minister in the
late J. R. Jayewardene's government.
In recent history of our country, the making of peace and sustaining
it, have been a crucial pre-occupation. Gamini Dissanayake initiated a
massive effort to bring about reconciliation between various factions to
ensure a stable and harmonious Sri Lankan society.
He was a noble human being, with a powerful, pleasant and charismatic
personality. He was a person, full of compassion and love for humanity.
His oration was mesmerizing, his language and dulcet voice rich and
impeccable. He was vociferous reader and a veritable gold mine of
information. In any forum, locally or internationally, he was a superb
debater. President J.R.J., on many occasions defended his Government in
Parliament using G.D. as his main speaker.
I have never come across anyone, so meticulous, methodical, organized
and flawless in whatever he did.
Gamini Dissanayake was born on March 20, 1942. He was born to a
family of seven children to Andrew Dissanayake and Welagedera
Samaratunga Kumarihamy of Kotmale. His basic values were cultivated in
rural environment and social surroundings of Kotmale.
At Trinity
He entered Trinity College, Kandy in 1948. In 1961, he joined the Law
College. At the age of 24 he took oaths as an Advocate. He ended his
illustrious career as a President Counsel.
In 1970 he entered Parliament. Unseated in an election petition in
1971, he fought his way back, won the by-election proving his capability
as an excellent organizer.
In 1977, When J.R.J, came into power, he made Gamini Dissanayake, his
second in command and assigned him a difficult Ministry - Irrigation,
Power and Highways, when he was only 35 years. He earned the name as the
most powerful, educated and versatile, Cabinet Minister un-assuming
Gamini Dissanayake, moved with kings and commoner alike and day by day
he gained popularity. He was a fine administrator and a perfectionist.
In no time, he showed the signs of a great national leader. He faced
many challenges, even from his own camp.
Test status gained
Among the many areas where Gamini Dissanayake made tremendous
contribution, a separate chapter should be written title "History of
Cricket in Sri Lanka Gamini Dissanayake era."
He ushered the golden era of Cricket in Sri Lanka. He held
prestigious position of President Board of Control for Cricket in Sri
Lanka for 11 years.
Gaining of Test status for Sri Lanka was the greatest achievement of
Gamini Dissanayake. Sri Lanka was fortunate to have gain Test status due
to his discerning intelligence, noble charismatic personality, clarity
of speech and eloquence efficient.
The delegates who attended the conference of the International
Cricket Council at Lord's in London was fascinated by the speech
delivered by Dissanayake on behalf of Sri Lankan Cricket. The facts
placed before them were so convincing they could no longer exclude Sri
Lanka from test arena. He spoke with such elation and enthusiasm echoed
and re-echoed at Lords, like the waves of the sea dashing against the
shore, and held the delegates spellbound. Gamini Dissanayake's name will
be remembered as long as the game of cricket is played in Sri Lanka.
Gamini Dissanayake not only set up a systematic administration by
selecting the correct person to the correct position. He obtained the
services of experts like Sir Garfield Sobers and Les Lenham to coach Sri
Lankan cricketers, further he invited Dr. Rudi Webster, one of the
world's best psychologist to motivate Sri Lankan cricketers and enhance
their mental stability. I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity
of translating Dr. Webster's lecture into Sinhala.
Improved infrastructure
He improved the infrastructure of cricket. He was responsible for the
construction of the head quarters of the Board of Control for Cricket at
Maitland Place, Colombo 07. Today it is the nerve center of Sri Lanka
Cricket. The Indoor Cricket Complex at the N. C. C. was also put up
along with it. He was totally responsible in elevating Asgiriya
playground to a test venue.
He believed that cricket to take deep root and become popular in this
country, it was essential to get the assistance of the Print and
Electronic Media. He was a true friend of all media men.
Gamini Dissanayake provided playgrounds and constructed them in
Galnewa, Bakamuna, Dehiattakandiya, Welikanda and Embilipitiya.