In undying memory of SRI RAGUNATHAN - Your death was so sudden, we did
not expect it, there was no time for farewell, you left us in a valley of tears.
Our grief is unsurpassed. In our hearts you will live for ever. Saku and Vishva
express their sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who attended the
funeral of Sri Ragunathan, especially those who came from abroad, all those who
sent messages of sympathy and floral tributes and extended their support in
numerous ways during their time of grief. We regret our inability to thank you
individually. His memory lives in our hearts. Sadly missed and fondly remembered
by his loving wife Saku and beloved son Vishva.
late sister Chritobelle, H.C. Edmund, late Stanley, Leslie and Philo,
sister-in-law of Rukmani, Mahesh and Jean, expired. The Remains will lie at St.
Bridget’s Convent, Colombo-7 from Sunday 26th 10 a.m. to Monday 27th 9.00 a.m.
when it will be taken to Good Shepherd Convent, Nayakakanda. Holy Mass at
3.00 p.m. followed by Burial.
Colombo 7, expired. The Remains will lie at St. Bridget’s Convent from Sunday
the 26th 10.00 a.m. to Monday the 27th 9.00 a.m. when it will be taken to
Good Shepherd Convent, Nayakakanda. The Holy Mass will be at 3.00 p.m.
followed by Burial.
MADAWALA - KALYANI nee POHATH - Wife of late T.B.
Madawala, mother of Amitha, Anura and Ravindranath, mother-in-law of Sene
Kiridena, Anoma and Vijani, sister of late Vivina, Chintha, Edmund and of Sumana
Unantenne. Cremation Mahaiyawa Cemetery at 4.00 p.m. on Sunday the 26th. Cortege
leaves residence at 2.00 p.m. Tawalampolawatte, Galagedara.
PERERA - FELIX (Retired Teacher Piliyandala Central
/ Attorney-at-Law). Beloved husband of Sriyangani (retired Teacher, Moratu Maha
Vidyalaya), loving thatha of Chinthaka (Dubai), and Tharaka, loving
father-in-law of Suranthi (HNB), loving seeya of Shanya, expired. Cremation on
Sunday the 26th at General Cemetery, Rawathawatta, Moratuwa. Cortege leaves
residence at 3.00 p.m. No.14, Charles De Soysa Place, Idama, Moratuwa.
Tel. 2644263.
SHEDDEN - JOHN ANTHONY (ANTON) formerly of Sri Lanka
Air Force and Sri Lanka Police. Father of Deborah and Dianne, grandfather of
Travis, beloved brother of Myrtle, Sheila, Neville, Rachel and Heather, was
called to eternal rest on the 20th Oct. 2008, in Queensland, Australia. Funeral
at Holy Cross Church, Queensland Australia Wednesday 22 Oct. 2008.
SITHY ZUHAIRA JALEEL - 44, Haig Road, Colombo 04.
Beloved wife of Maharoom A.M.M. Jaleel, daughter of Maharooma M.L.M. Yusoof and
Maharooma Saaduma Yusuf, daughter-in-law of Marhoom Abdul Majeed and Marhooma
Sulaiha Umma, beloved mother of Mohamed Azmy, Mahooma Zaeema and Mohomed Nihard
(USA), mother-in-law of Zahrul Wardiya and Sithy Rukshana, beloved grandmother
of Shazmah, Shaza, Shaadiya, Abdullah, Mariam and Sulaiman, great-grandmother of
Hana, sister of Maharoom M.Y.M. Thahir, M.Y.M. Nizar, M.Y.M. Rahoof and Marhoom
M.Y.M. Farook. Janaza took place on the 23rd of October 2008 at Maligawatte
Muslim Burial Ground.
VELAVTHM - MRS ESWARY (Retired Teacher, Karaveddy),
passed away. She is the daughter of late Mr Mayilar & Mrs Valliammai, loving
mother of Rejeswary (London), Yogeswary (London), late Maheswary, late
Puvaneswary, Dr Thilaheswary (Jaffna), Ratneswary (London), Kamaleswary (Palmyrah
Development Board), Dr Sarveswaran (London), late Vickneswaran (Kamban) &
Ganeswaran (London), mother-in-law of Eswaragnanam, Subramaniam, late Nadarajah,
late Vadivel, Kumutharanjan, Shanthakumar, Mrs Ananthi & Mrs Edna. Cortege
leaves residence on 26-10-2008 at 10.00 a.m. for Jayaratne Parlour and
thereafter cremation at 3.00 p.m. at Borella Kanatte. No.37/2, St. Peter’s
Place, Bambalapitiya.
MRS THAVAMANI PULLAI Beloved wife of late Anton Pullai, loving mother of
Winston (Prop. Rathika Enterprises), Bernard Derrick (Trico Canada), Leslie,
Jacintha and Stella, mother-in-law of Wijayarani, Selverrani, Ranjani,
Christopher (Ruby International Associates), Stanley and Susana (St. Boscos
College, Hatton), sister of Stanley Pulle, Ritaamma and Dora, grandmother of
Shashikala, Rathika, Anne, Dushanthini, Diloshini, Dilan (Make Stuff Happen),
Dinesh, Thiviya, Ashan, Dushan, Ashani and Shilan, grandmother-in-law of Ragavan
(Canada) and Pragash, great-grandmother of Riya and Arushna, expired. Funeral at
A.F. Raymond’s Funeral Parlour, Borella leaving A.F. Raymond’s Parlour on Monday
27th October at 4.00 p.m. for Kanatta.
NADARAJA KANAGASABAPATHY - Beloved husband of late Gnanambigai, loving
father of Justice Sripavan, Raveendran (D.O.A. of Irrigation Dept, Puttalam),
Prakash (Audit Dept., H.N.B.), father-in-law of Jayanthi, Shyamala and
Mathibalini, affectionate grandfather of Thayaparan (M.I.T., Malabe), Thenuka,
Sindujan and Suluxhan. Cortege leaves residence 10, Station Road, Wellawatte
at 5 p.m. on Sunday 26.10.2008 for Cremation at General Cemetery, Kanatte (Hindu
RASASINGAM SRITHARAN (Kyam) Formerly of Ceylon Printers (Pvt) Ltd, son of
late Mr & Mrs Rasasingam (Fountain House Lane, Colombo 10) and son-in-law of
late Mr & Mrs Ramalingam (Attorney-at-Law) Mallakam, beloved husband of Sarojini
(formerly of Ford Rhodes, Colombo), loving father of Varnesh (Attorney-at-Law -
USA) and Naresh (Attorney-at-Law - USA), loving father-in-law of Rochelle (USA),
brother of Dr (Mrs) Pathmini Panchadcharam (USA), Sriranjan (USA), Mrs Shanthini
Narendra (USA) and brother-in-law of Dr. Panchadcharam (USA), Shivanthi (USA),
Narendra (USA), Mrs Meena Lojini Thirugna Sambanthan, Mrs Ranjini Viswanathan
and Rajini Kumaravadivel, expired on 17.10.2008 at his residence in USA. Funeral
took place on 20.10.2008. No. 186, Sylvan Street, Rutherford, New Jersey,
USA. T.No. 2014384331, Sri Lanka 2598127.
TINDALL, L.E. (LENNY) - Beloved husband of Jean, loving father of Adrian
and late Andrew, father-in-law of Sue, darling grandfather of Jason, Shania and
Alicia, brother of the late Anthony and of Liz Diaz, late Tracy Robert and of
Monica and the late Michael, expired. Cortege leaving A.F. Raymond’s on
27.10.2008 at 3.30 p.m. for Burial at Borella Kanatte. Tel. No. 0777350669 /
0712735198. |