Payback scheme for Lanka Bell IDD callers
Lanka Bell will pay its subscribers for every overseas call they
receive through the IDD Payback scheme launched on Wednesday.
Managing Director, Lanka Bell, Prasad Samarasinghe said over one
million Sri Lankan homes and offices connected through Lanka Bell will
receive credit through the payback scheme.
"Subscribers of Lanka Bell phones will earn 50 cents for every minute
of the call.Customers could earn over Rs. 1,500 a month on incoming IDD
calls", Samarasinghe said.
He said subscribers will see the difference being connected to the
world's largest terabit fibre optic cable system. The company has
invested Rs. 3 billion to connect Sri Lanka to the FLAG undersea fibre
optic cable network.
The global FLAG network comprising over 66 stations in over 50
countries has the highest point of presence in the world.
The cable provides clear international connectivity around the globe,
linking key business markets.
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