Financial awareness for non Finance Managers
CIMA Sri Lanka Division will conduct its Mastercourse on Financial
Awareness for Non Finance Managers from November 13 -14 at the CIMA
The two-day workshop is designed to deliver the knowledge that
non-finance staff need to know to understand, use and discuss the
financial information so crucial to business success.
The workshop will cover the following areas: Role of finance; Basic
rules and elements of accounting; Understanding financial statements
(profit and loss account/balance sheet/cash flow statement), cash and
profits - Is it the same? Which one do we need most; Adding value with
finance (brand profitability, are we breaking even? break-even point,
margin of safety); Interpreting financial performance; How to generate
more cash; Working capital management; Long term decision making; Time
value of money; Corporate planning and Budgeting.
The faculty for the course includes Mallik De Silva, Group Finance
Manager, Richard Pieris and Co Limited, Sriyamal Gamage, General
Manager, Group Finance, Hayleys Advantis Limited and Dhanan Senathirajah,
Assistant Vice President, Finance, NDB Bank
The workshop is targeted at all managers, with previous delegates
including project managers, marketing managers, technical managers,
general managers, engineers, business development managers and many
others including managing directors and CEOs. |