Face reading is fun
We glance at ourselves in the mirror almost everyday. Sometimes we
are not happy with our own faces reflected in the mirror. Then we use
another mirror. Those who are not satisfied with their own faces heavily
depend on cosmetics. Some of us want to change our complexion - the
natural colour of our skin. Then we compare our complexion with that of
good looking men and women shown in glossy magazines and the television.
Those who run the cosmetic industry known fully well that most women
are unhappy with their own complexion. So they promise to change your
dark complexion into something shiny and attractive. Hard earned money
is spent on creams, powders, vitamin pills and what not just to change
the complexion nature has given. It takes many years to realise the
futility of this exercise.
Whether your face is dark or fair, begin to respect it. Be proud of
your own face. You do not have to change it because your face mirrors
your heart. In fact, face reading has come to stay after thousands of
years of practice under the name of ‘physiognomy.’ The shape and
features of a person’s face is a sure index to his character.
More than men, women are worried about their faces. At parties and
weddings some of the women look like painted dolls. They constantly vie
with the beautiful faces shown on television. They see film stars with
porcelain beauty. They have no pimples, scars or birthmarks. Those who
watch these wonderful beauties forget the fact that they have been
cosmetically enhanced. Some of them have undergone surgery to change
their lips and noses.
For those who are unhappy about their own looks, face reading offers
some solace. In fact, we need to know something about face reading all
the time. For instance, when you attend an interview, the interviewer
will not be reading your curriculum vitae. He will be looking at your
face to judge whether you are the right person for the job advertised.
Interviewers know that your face is a walking resume.
Once US President Abraham Lincoln refused to appoint a certain
applicant for a particular job. When an adviser asked him why he
rejected the applicant, he said, “I don’t like the man’s face.” However,
the presidential adviser was not convinced and protested saying, “But
the poor man is not responsible for his face.” Lincoln said, “Every man
over 40 is responsible for his face.”
Face reading experts tell us that we should not read the faces of
those under 18. They are still growing up and you cannot come to any
valid conclusion. Start with adults who have more or less permanent
features on their faces. For instance, some people have a permanent
smile, a frown or a question mark on their faces. They are ideal for
your study.
There is a deep relationship between the inner person and the outer
face. Some people have a “nose bonus” - an extra chunk of nose that
hangs down below the nose tips. Experts say these people are service
oriented. They attract others through their work. One time UN Secretary
General Dag Hammarskjold is a clear example.
If you are taking up face reading as a hobby, pay attention to eye
brows. Some eye brows are strong at the beginning and fade away towards
the end such people are good at starting new projects. Then you may have
seen eye brows thin at the beginning and rather thick towards the end.
They are usually dynamic people who end up as excellent soldiers. Those
who have even eye brows have less problems in life. But before coming to
any conclusion, check whether eye brows have been trimmed or treated
Veterans say that thick eyebrows are a sign of intellectual power.
Such people can handle different jobs at the same time. Curved eyebrows
show that you are a sensitive person. Straight eyebrows indicate that
you are bent towards noticing new ideas. Those with angled eyebrows show
managerial skills.
Ear is another important part of face reading. People have short,
long or medium ears. Ear length tells you how much information a person
could deal with. Long ears also indicate that they are good listeners.
US President Lyndon Johnson was one such person. Those with short ears
are capable of collecting information seriously. A medium ear shows that
the person is a good listener.
More than eyebrows and ears, eyes are a sure indication to your
character. Let’s start with eyelid curves. They can be straight or
moderate. Experts say that eyelid curves reveal how far a person can
extend himself emotionally towards others. Those with curved eyelids
usually mix with strangers easily. American lexicographer Noah Webster
had such eyelids. You find people with straight lower eyelids among
judges. Meanwhile, those with moderate eyelid curves have a lot of
practical skills.
Although people with deep-set eyes are good conversationalists, you
will not know what is going on in their minds. Those with slightly
protruding eyes usually get involved in whatever they do. While they are
talking they do not like to be disturbed by their listeners.
From eyes we come to noses. If you have a short nose, you have a
talent for hard work. You might probably be a workaholic. A long nose
indicates that you are a good planner and a strategist. If you have a
very long nose, you will master the theoretical aspect of any subject.
If you have a nose of moderate length, do not worry. You will be a
flexible person good at handling shorterm projects.
Then come mouths. They tell us a lot about the owner’s personality.
Full-lipped people are great conversationalists. Sometimes they find it
difficult to keep secrets. For instance, Monica Lewinski could not
remain silent about her roaring affair with US President Bill Clinton.
Although this is not a complete treatise on face reading, the
bottomline is that every face has its own strengths and attractiveness.
In other words, be happy with the face you have. Plastic surgery can
straighten your nose or enhance the beauty of your face. But beauty does
not lie in shapes and proportions of your face. Whether your face is
attractive or not, some people will like you and others will hate you.
Many girls are worried about birthmarks and scars appearing on their
faces. But birthmarks on the face can enhance the beauty. Therefore,
before going to meet a plastic surgeon, they should meet a
professionally trained counsellor.People change over the years. Age,
sickness, and mental problems can give your face a worried look and even
tired creases, around your eyes and mouth. These are not things to be
taken seriously. What matters at any age is not looks but self-esteem.
While treating face reading as a pleasurable hobby, do not be
dissatisfied with your own looks. Be happy with your own face. Nobody
else will have your face with the same features. Isn’t that great?
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