between people, and especially spouses or loving people is
one of the major factors of high-grade relations, which
neither side makes a complaint of. |
How to deserve and keep it?
Let's disassemble concept of "respect" for a start. Respect is
understanding and acceptance of a person, his individuality, recognition
of his advantages.
Love between people cannot arise, if they do not respect each other:
you hardly could love an "unworthy" person. Respect also means pride of
your loved one: you are proud of his successes on work/in study/house
affairs, ability do something. But sometimes it is difficult to
understand: whether your elect respects you? Let's examine
Do you respect me?
If you are assured that your partner loves you, most likely, you will
not have a question.Does he respect me as an individual? Similar
questions usually come to mind when you feel your loved one started
showing light condescension towards you, irritating because of any
nonsense or ceased reckoning with your opinion at all. In that case, it
is necessary to reflect whether there was something, that sharply
lowered your authority in your partner's opinion?
you could not find an answer to this question, take advantage of one of
the best ways of finding-out of reasons of such strange behaviour -
arrange an open talk. Certainly, it is not necessary to ask, What
happens?, You do not love me anymore?,Have I done something wrong?, Why
have you been behaving as an egoist since recently?!. Such questions,
most likely, will cause nothing, except strong irritation and
bewilderment. Also it is not necessary to lift such serious themes, when
your partner is occupied with something important, demanding
concentration or, got tired and hungry, hardly had time to cross a house
threshold, having spent a whole day on work. Before beginning a
conversation, analyse, what can be the reasons of absence of respect to
you. Probably, your elect is dissatisfied with the fact that you were
discharged from office and do not try to search for a new job? Ignored
house affairs completely? Think, what he respected you earlier for, what
he or she admired in you.Perhaps, he liked your tremendous appearance,
and you absolutely ceased taking care of yourself. Certainly, these are
only most "general" reasons because of which your partner's respect to
you can be decreased considerably. Besides, think, what your partner
respects in other people: achievement of any purposes which he is not
capable of achieving, improbable work capacity, desire and aspiration to
develop yourself,.... perhaps, he respects people for ability to support
any conversation.
Recollect, whether he dropped such phrases as: he was promoted, not
everyone can work so productively! . Saman's wife finished a driving
school, don't you wish to register?.
Having understood the reasons why your spouse can be dissatisfied
with you, choose an opportunity and try to start a conversation on the
theme necessary to you. As an example we will deal with such situation.
It seems to you that your husband is dissatisfied that you do not work
anywhere. After a supper ask him, how things are on his work/the way a
day passed/whether he got tired for the day etc. Then tell that you did
today. If you plan to get a job in the near future, mention that besides
any house and other affairs. If not, tell, how many things you have to
do for a day. Having heaved a deep sigh, inform that it would be
desirable for you to get a job, but then you will have absolutely no
time on other things . Most likely, your spouse will try to help you
somehow, and you can find a compromise, capable to satisfy you and your
Having eradicated the reason of absence of respect, you will also
return respect.
If you still failed to understand the reason of your husband's
disrespect discuss with him about what you could be engaged in your free
time or tell that you want to self-perfect, and ask for his council as
to what to begin with? It is quite probable that your partner will state
the things he would like you to do, and the problem will be solved.
Try not to go into extremes, following your husband's councils:
search for compromises instead. If your spouse advised you registering
in a driving school, it is not necessary to ignore all affairs (work,
study, child care) and rush to a driving school like mad. If he is
dissatisfied you have ceased being engaged in house affairs, it is not
necessary to do cooking, tidying up apartment and repairing furniture at
once, try to distribute duties fairly.
False alarm
However, all the same, it is not necessary to worry ahead of time.
Quite probably that all "symptoms" of your husband's disrespect are
false, and all is caused only by a difficult period on his work or bad
mood. Perhaps, he simply requires your support. And if you do not know
the reasons of your spouse's bad mood, this can quite mean you treat him
inattentively in some measure.
Try to show more interest in his affairs from your side, ask him
about his plans, what is necessary for him and what he wishes to do.
After all, a harmonious marriage is possible only when both spouses
understand, appreciate and respect each other. |