Effectively complain and get what you want
Nine great ways to complain
know that annoying worker who talks your ear off complaining
You do not want to be that person! No one likes a complainer, but
sometimes we can't help ourselves.
From getting better customer service to a job promotion, you want to
know how to make your point and be heard. Here are 9 ways to do that.
1. Respect your audience.
Don't force your troubles on an unwilling target. A strained smile,
continuous "uh-huhs" and lack of eye contact are all signs that your
audience isn't interested.
2. Say it calmly.
Keep your emotions in check when you complain, and you'll be able to
communicate more effectively.
3. Think of solutions.
The worst kind of complainer is one who points out problems, but
never offers solutions.
If the engine isn't running right, get under the hood and fix it.
4. Keep your sense of humor.
Approaching your problems with a sense of humor and a light-hearted
tone will make your complaints more palatable to you and your audience.
5. Stop the conspiracies.
When you complain that everyone is against you, you lose credibility.
Stick to the issue and don't worry about what others are thinking.
6. Ask permission to complain.
"Do you mind if we talk about this?" Never launch into a tirade
without an invitation.
7. Reciprocate the favor.
Don't dump on a friend and then flee the scene. You'll cultivate a
trusty confidant if you ask your friend to share his or her concerns
8. Don't practice one-upmanship.
"If you think that's bad, listen to this..." There is enough misery
to go around.
You don't have to be worse off than everyone else.
9. Give the short version.
How many tales of woe hold your attention? Exactly. Keep it short and
you'll keep your audience's attention and friendship.