Is it abnormal for people to talk to themselves.
Someone is speaking out loud to no one in particular, or when no one
else is around. For some people, it's simply a habit; they may be using
it to keep themselves organized, stay focussed, and remind themselves
what to do next.
Some people talk out loud when they feel lonely. Or others will
reflect on their actions with comments such as "Great job," "I'm glad
that's finally done," or "That was really stupid."
And who doesn't occasionally talk back to the radio or television,
especially when engaged in viewing sports events or listening to a
despised politician?
On the other hand, sometimes talking to oneself can indeed be a
manifestation of mental illness. Some people with psychotic disorders
such as schizophrenia may lose touch with reality and experience
auditory hallucinations of voices. They feel compelled to respond to
"their" voices and even carry on extensive conversations.
It's not unusual in downtown areas of big cities to see homeless
people, quite oblivious to their surroundings, conversing earnestly when
no one else is nearby.
When people seem to be carrying on conversations with themselves
these days, however, it most often means they have a Bluetooth earpiece
and a cell phone. These one-sided conversations can be pretty annoying
if you're stuck in front of such a caller in a line for any length of
So... there are plenty of situations when talking out loud to
yourself or to no one in particular is perfectly appropriate and
socially acceptable. But when we have to listen to lengthy one-sided
conversations from a cell phone user, we call it "noise pollution."
Who, finally, are the crazy ones? It's the oblivious cell phone
talkers who don't look where they are going, don't care who hears every
mind-numbing detail about their business and personal affairs, and
couldn't care less that they're driving everyone within earshot... a
little mad. They should know better. |