NPC gets tough with rogue police officers
By Jayampathi JAYASINGHE
[email protected]
The National Police Commission (NPC) will take a tougher stance
against police officers who have violated the fundamental rights of
people in the recent past.
The National Police Commission has decided to summon a Deputy
Inspector General of Police (DIG) from the Western Province to testify
at an inquiry whether he had taken disciplinary action against a police
inspector who was allegedly involved in a bribery case recently.
NPC sources said the Inspector had coerced the complainant in a
bribery case to withdraw the complaint made against him at the Bribery
Commissioner’s Department.
The complainant was later found shot dead by an unknown party.
The NPC has received several complaints and petitions against the
Inspector whom they allege was involved in the plot to assassinate the
“This is a serious matter involving a murder. We want to know why
this officer was not transferred elsewhere and what disciplinary action
was taken against this officer for coercing a complainant to withdraw a
complaint.” We will also inform the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to
take action against an OIC of a police station in Colombo for rude
behaviour towards an Attorney-at-Law.
The OIC had allegedly abused the Attorney-at-Law when the latter
called over at the police station in connection with an official matter,
NPC sources said.
Meanwhile, attempts by a group of people to transfer a DIG from the
Western province elsewhere and bring back a DIG from an outstation have
been stalled by the NPC.
The DIG concerned had served in the Western province for several
years before, the NPC said. Interviews to promote Chief Inspectors of
police to the rank of Asst. Supdt. of Police (ASPs) will commence on
November 4.
Three-hundred-and-ten Chief Inspectors will vie for sixty-three ASP
posts which had fallen vacant.
The interview board will comprise Secretaries to Ministries,
officials from Government Departments and senior police officers. The
interviews will continue till December.
A batch of 15 Chief Inspectors will be interviewed each day. |