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Sunday, 9 November 2008





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Government Gazette

The Obama era begins…

What kind of president will Obama be?

History will remember Barack Obama for the change he personifies. As America's first black president he will write a new chapter in a long story that began in slavery and persecution and has not yet ended in equality. But he is determined that history will remember him as an agent of change, not just as a symbol of it, and that will not be easy.

Obama has been a brilliant candidate in many ways - the muscular poetry of his oratory is matched by his flair for the nuts and bolts of campaign organisation.

But he has been lucky too. Even the banking crisis, which called into question the competence of Republican economic stewardship, came helpfully at a moment when he and John McCain were neck and neck in the polls.

He has not been lucky though in the circumstances which greet him as he takes office.

Funding the promises

The economy is in recession and the US, at war on two fronts overseas, faces profound questions that will require quick answers.

Barack Obama, and his wife Michelle, cast their votes at a polling place in Chicago, Tuesday, Nov. 4. - AP

Obama though will have at least one asset no other American president since Kennedy has enjoyed - a huge reservoir of international goodwill.

That is based partly on the simple fact that he is not George W Bush and partly on the widely-held belief that in picking a black president the United States is somehow closing one of the darker chapters in its own past.

It is not clear of course how deep that reservoir might be nor how long it will last - and it will not help much with the most pressing problem of all, which is what to do about the US economy. Obama has promised a tax cut to 95% of Americans and plenty of other things that will cost money too - like better access to health care for the 45 million people here without insurance, and an army of new teachers, with improved salaries, for the school system.

None of that will be cheap - and Obama is inheriting a budget deficit running into hundreds of billions a year and a national debt which is about to go above the $11 trillion (£6.9 trillion) mark. Whether or not Mr Obama is able to keep his campaign promises, he will be drawing heavily on his extraordinary gift for communication - expect that to be one of the hallmarks of his time in office. He is a gifted speaker and in times of national grief or doubt it is hugely important for Americans to have a president able to capture, shape and occasionally lift the national mood.

Those gifts will be equally important if President Obama finds himself in the depths of recession having to explain why campaign promises are being deferred or even dumped.

How that goes down with the American people will depend on how successfully Obama manages another of his campaign promises - the rather nebulous goal of bringing Americans together. The new president sees himself as an essentially post-partisan figure and his rhetoric is filled with urgent talk of bringing together a fractured society so that young and old, black and white, rich and poor, and gay and straight all work together with a sense of common purpose.

On the campaign trail, this made Mr Obama seem psychologically interesting - almost as though he were yearning for the US to be a better version of itself. It will be interesting to see how he intends to bring that vision to life in a country where there are still profound racial divisions and which thrives on the vigour of its competitive political process.

Foreign policy

Look out for widespread use of the internet in the implementation of the Obama vision, by the way. Obama's campaign was creative in using the web to raise funds and drum up an army of volunteers - he might have something similar in mind for his presidency. Obama will find himself tested and perhaps defined by foreign policy issues just as his predecessor was. He has to find an exit strategy for Iraq that does not somehow enhance the regional power status of Iran.

And of course the issue of Iranian nuclear ambition cannot be ignored either. How will President Obama react to pressure from Israel, or from his own military commanders, to bomb Iran's reactor to prevent it from developing a bomb? We might know very soon.

In Afghanistan Obama has talked of putting in more American troops and finishing the fight with al-Qaeda. That is easier said than done and if a beefed-up Afghan campaign goes badly, it will reflect on his judgment and damage his standing. There remain the challenges of fighting effectively around the Pakistani border without alienating that turbulent ally. And that is before the problems of rebuilding - or rather building - Afghan civil society are contemplated. Obama has made history by winning power. As he attempts to make history in the way he exercises it, he will be weighed down by high expectations. He is going to need all the many gifts - and all the luck - that got him here.



Barack Hussein Obama II was born August 4, 1961) . He is expected to take office as the forty-fourth President of the United States on January 20, 2009. He also is currently the Junior United States Senator from Illinois. Obama is the first African American to be elected President of the United States, and was the first to be nominated for President by a major U.S. political party.[8] Obama is also the first candidate to have been nominated and subsequently elected president who was born in Hawaii. A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, he became the first African American to serve as president of the Harvard Law Review.

Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a primary victory in March 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70 percent of the vote. As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds.

He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel. Obama announced his presidential campaign in February 2007, and was formally nominated at the 2008 Democratic National Convention with Delaware senator Joe Biden as his running mate. In the November 4, 2008 United States Presidential election he won 53% of the popular vote, and 349 electoral votes to rival John McCain's 162 (with 26 electoral votes belonging to Missouri and North Carolina as yet unclaimed), winning the election and setting him to become President of the United States when inaugurated on January 20, 2009.




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