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Sunday, 16 November 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Tuesday July 14, 1942

Dear Sweetheart

I'm away on leave tomorrow and listen to the address - Sir Roland and Lady Laurence, Ridge Cottage, Finchampstead, Berks. Tom tells me that golf, fishing, tennis and riding are available at this port, so it sounds quite the spot. It isn't on the seaside but there is a river quite close so there may be some swimming. Anyway it will be a new experience and I imagine that they'll be real people. Most of the people I've met who come from what might be called the officer class are O.K. and are not the least bit as the films and funny papers would have us believe.

I'm spending the first two days in London to see a few spots that I haven't got around to see on other trips so if the atmosphere should be too stuffy at Sir Roland's, I won't have too long to stay.

Nothing new starts here and there will be a gap in my letters now for seven days. But I just want you to know that no holiday, no matter where I spend it, is ever complete when I'm away from you. I love you more deeply than ever and the holiday I'm looking forward to is the one we'll have once this war is over.

I'm ashamed of myself for one thing. I still have the two rings for Anne and Karen and haven't yet bought anything for Nanny and Marian. So I'll attempt to attend to that matter during the next two days, while in London. By the way I've discovered something. There is a large clump of lavender growing right at our front door and as soon as it blooms I'll send you a boxful. I'm enclosing a sprig in this.

Cheerio for the present. Goodnight and sweet dreams.

With all my love to you, Anne, Karen, Nanny and the family, I remain always


David K.

P.S. I love you


Thousands of days have come and gone
But i still remember the day,
first time i met you.
It was 23rd of july 2005,
Since that day, I already knew.
From that day forward,
I would end up with you.
Standing hand in hand,
I looking straight into your eyes.
You make me feel,
like I'm flying high up in the skies.
I love you with all my heart,
I love you with all my soul.
It is the way we bond,
that's making our love grow.
I gotta few words to tell you,
They are coming from the heart,
I mean them everyday.
as simple as it is,
Coming from me to you.
As much as it means,


To - Dilshani Immbulamure

Thank you For The Love

With every sunrise, with every sunset,
It's you and you only into my heart I let,
There isn't a minute, a second or two,
That makes me stop thinking of you
When the days are dark, it's your light I long for,
When the winds are cold, it's your warmth I yearn for,
Since the day, you touched my heart,
Grows my love at the pace of a dart
With eternal ties my heart is bound,
With your love, so simple and sound,
Mingled with affection, and a serenity, unique,
Penetrates my soul, with a touch of magic
Right by my side, you stand so bound,
Never do I feel, the need to turn around,
A quality so rare, but to you; so intrinsic,
Thank you for the love, ever so mesmeric

Neranja Gunawardena


Why the flowers bloom on trees....
Why the rain comes down when the sky is gloomy.....
Why I have fallen for you.....
Why my heart gets bound to you...
Why my body and soul thirst for you.....
Why this unimaginable burning desire to be with you.......
The desert loves to kiss the sun.
And whilst she still is eagerly waiting for rain to fall down and make love.
It's like the abnormal love we all share in our journey of life.
No one can change.............
When the moon comes out all the stars start to shine in the sky...
But there can be a one star who would love to shine with the sun.....
If I say my love for you is something of the above by nature...........
It won't be a surprise.

Kaushila Fernando




This week's Love Talk is with the popular singing sensation

Umara singhawansa......


'Love' as you feel?

Dedication and passion towards a person.

What's the worst memory in your love life?

I don't have any so far.

And the best memory?

I haven't fallen in love yet. So I don't have that kind of memories.

Does 'genuine love' exist in the world today?

To a certain extent it exists.

Do you think a love affair should always end up with the marriage?

On my personal point of view, it's always better if it happens that way.

Can a busy person be a good lover?

If there is a good understanding between the two, definitely a busy person can be a good lover too.

When you are going to choose a partner what factor would you consider most.....tha person's beauty or the level of intelligence?



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