Teachers are special
Day is celebrated on October 5 all over the world. The future
development of a country depends on both children and teachers. A
teacher is like a candle which lights others by consuming itself.
Teachers are the success of all schools and students are the pillars
of success. Students obey and follow the teachers' advice and come off
with flying colours at examinations.
Every student's future depends on the teacher. Teachers are our
parents in school. They look after us, guide us to be a happy,
disciplined, good and caring citizen. Whatever a student has achieved in
life would not have been possible without a teacher's guiding hand.
On this special day we enjoy honouring our dear teachers; we express
our gratitude for the calm and patient encouragement they give us. Even
saying a very big thank you seems too little for someone who takes so
much trouble to mould us to be good citizens in the future.
Thivviyan Suresh, Grade 6,St. Peter's College, Colombo.
Value of public libraries
are very important places in society. In our country there are public
libraries, school libraries, religious libraries, mobile libraries and
university libraries. In these libraries there are thousands of books of
different subjects written by various people.
We can introduce the library as a storehouse of knowledge. We could
meet many great people like famous writers, scientists and well educated
people through books when we read autobiographies.
We can familiarise ourselves with the lives of those great people and
learn many things from their lives. We can follow in their footsteps.
We must learn to love and care for books without destroying or
damaging them.
R. Tharuka Dilrangi, Grade 6C,Holy Family BMV, Wennappuwa.
My old bike
old bike was bought when I was just four or five years old. That bike
only needed to be serviced once. When that bike became too small for me
to ride, my father told me we should buy a new bike.
Then there was a new bicycle shop closeby and my father told me we
should buy it from there.However, the new bike was always breaking down.
One day the bike's chain and a wheel had come off. Then my father said
he will repair and service the bike once more, and if it breaks down
again, to buy a new one with my own Eid Festival money. After this final
repair and service too, it broke down again.
Then, after the Ramadan fast, when the Eid festival came, I collected
7,000 rupees and bought a new bike. We did not sell my old bike, but
serviced it once more and gave it to my six-year- old sister.
My new bike is breaking down too. We have already given my new bike
two services. My oldest bike, which was so hardy, is all rusted and all
alone in the garage. No one rides that bike now, but it gave quality
Aamir Faaiz, Grade 3,Wycherly International School, Colombo.
Are we going to be ordinary or extra-ordinary people?
Most of us consider ourselves to be ordinary people. For instance,
when famous people visit our country or come to town, we sometimes stand
in line to see them or get their autographs signed. But, why don't we
ask ourselves why we remain ordinary people instead of being
extra-ordinary people?
Humans are all alike. We breathe the same air the same way, our
hearts beat alike and we feel the same pangs of hunger.
all these things into consideration, a question crops up, as to who
these extra-ordinary beings are? Think twice. These extra-ordinary
people are none other than average human beings who achieved great
things in their lives. So, why can't we? If we are all alike and have
the same mentality, then we too could be extra-ordinary people. We need
to be committed toward such a goal.
Most people waste their golden time, sitting in the verendahs,
day-dreaming and thinking about the past. They could spend even that
time to be useful and successful personalities in the world; they could
do something worthwhile for the welfare of people and the country.
These people would never be extra-ordinary people if all they do is
waste their time thinking. They just waste time always thinking the
opposite - "I would never be able to achieve great things in life".
Take courage! We too can do amazing things. Each and every human
being in this world has something called a hidden talent. Some people
try to figure this out and put it to good use while others are lazy to
try, even once, to do so. Some people think that they have figured
everything out about life, but they haven't really done any thing
Take today's young generation,as an example; our dear brothers and
sisters who have achieved great things in their lives, making us proud.
Try to have your life too figured out before it's too late. Remember
friends, "We were born to a point in history; many centuries have
already passed by.
We are only a part of the story. There were many chapters in the
story before we got here. We are only pebbles in the stream of life, but
we can leave a mark too. Life is not only about us..... it's about all
of us. To make our chapter successful, try to improve your talents and
show them to the whole world!!!
Vinuri Udara Abeyratna, Grade 10,Lyceum International School,
red, yellow and white
What a beautiful sight!
As the sea waves sway
To rhythms gay
Sweet twittering sounds
Buzzing bees flying around
Rabbits crunching on carrots
And flying red-chained parrots,
Greenery all over the place
And plenty of tasty maze,
Fresh thoughts wander as I go
Oh! I wish to see more.
Shavini de Silva, Alethea International School, Colombo.
Flowing river
the top of the mountain
I start my journey
Always flowing
Nicely while singing
I'm splashing the water
And sending up mists
Sometimes I strike on
Huge stones with my body
Sometimes I may be a
Beautiful waterfall
Then I flow speedily
And bring joy to all
I help my country
To develop in many ways
But I end my journey
As a pretty blue vision......
Anuthrie Imendra Liyanage, Grade 8-A, Rathnavali Balika Vidyalaya,
Thoughts for a new day
golden sun,
Rises in the east,
Greeting the world,
A very good morning.
Do you feel bored?
Oh! do cheer up!
It's a new day.
Let's find a new way.
Flowers bloom spreading fragrance,
To refresh the natural world
The birds sing songs.
To cheer up all.
Oh! what a lovely new day!
Wipe away your tears.
Throw away your fears.
Rise with cheers,
On this new day.
Give a hand to the needy
Feed the hungry with your own hands.
That triumph in your heart will bring,
The world together in some way.
Lay the foundation today
As strong as a rock mountain
To build a bridge to join
The hearts of the world.
Let's create a new way.
Let's create a new day.
For all to live with true love.
With joy, peace - forever...
Deshani W. D. Wanigaratne, Grade 11 Com (Local), Lyceum
International School, Wattala.
My class teacher
My class teacher's name is Samanlatha. She is very pretty and kind.
She wears nice sarees to school. She looks very beautiful in Kandyan
saree. She teaches us well. I am so lucky to have a teacher like her. I
love my teacher.
Sehan Mahaliyanaarachchi, Grade 4-C,St. John's College, Nugegoda.
There's a volcano in my house!
a volcano in my house!
At first she is as quiet as a mouse,
Did anyone guess?
She's my little sister of course,
If she hears a joke about her being told,
She'll erupt, cool down, and then scold!
She's the worst thing to have around!
She adores reading stories,
And playing tricks on poor old me...
It's Sunday morning, finally peace and quiet,
Then suddenly it's turned into a riot!
That little terror is awake!
Though she can drive you crazy,
Sometimes she's as sweet and nice as a daisy!
Himashi Perera, Grade 6, Ceylinco Sussex College, Nugegoda.