Retoled by Amal HEWAVISSENTI
Akbar, the Moghul emperor is noted for his high flown imagination
which blended intellect, sense of humour, imperial duties and human
kindness with the ruling of the country. During his regime, the emperor
encouraged the logical, intellectual thinking of his ministers and
brainstorming riddles, complex enigmas, friendly discussions reigned
supreme in his royal court. The ruler was in the habit of setting
enigmatic problems for his ministers to offer solutions in order to
estimate the level of their intellect and to have personal amusement for
himself. Among these ministers, Raja Birbal had won the emperor's
special esteem on account of his sharp witted, practical solutions given
to the king's most overwhelming problems and crucial situations. One day
the emperor made a rather unusual declaration as a challenge for those
present in the court.
"I, as the emperor, can please any body in my empire!" Hearing this,
Raja Birbal burst into laughing and Akbar was non plussed at this
fearless conduct of his favourite minister. Emperor Akbar said "Birbal,
why are you laughing so mockingly? Do you think I can't give my subjects
anything they wish to have?"
Raja Birbal stopped laughing and said "Your majesty, do you know why
I laughed? I'm Pretty sure you can't please even a little child. May I
give you a challenge. Can you prove that you can give any person what he
wishes to have?" The emperor, over confident, said "I'll take up your
challenge. But I don't see why you go on to say this so confidently.
Don't you know that I'm the sole emperor of India? Birbal replied, "That
you are a powerful ruler is out of the question. But that power doesn't
mean you can delight every one in the kindom."
then the Emperor Akbar challenged Birbal to prove what Birbal said was
correct and added that if proved he was ready to accept the fact that he
could not please everybody in the kindom." I am ready to prove it.
Tomorrow I'll come to the palace in a cradle. Then everybody can see how
you're going to satisfy me." replied Birbal. Akbar assented.
Next day Birbal's servants brought him to the emperor's court in a
cradle and Birbal was lying in the cradle simply sucking his thumb just
like a baby do. All of a sudden he broke in to crying as he saw Akbar.
The emperor inquired Birbal as to why he was crying and in reply, Birbal
told him that he wanted to drink some fresh milk off a cow. A triumphant
smile swept over the emperor's face and at once he commanded to get
Birbal some fresh milk. When Birbal had finished drinking milk, he began
to cry again to the astonishment of all the nobel men and ministers
present. Akbar much inconvenienced by the sudden reaction of the "baby
in the cradle", asked him what more he wanted to keep happy and
"Put the milk back in to the cow" said Raja Birbal crying even
louder. Emperor Akbar instantly grasped the reality that whatever powers
he had, it was impossible for him to satisfy everybody. His inner mind
was proud of the gumption displayed by Birbal.
Another day Emperor Akbar stunned his ministers by asking what
punishment he should execute on any one who would pull his beard. The
ministers were completely at a loss as to what to say to this king's
strange question. They were wondering at the utter impossibility of
anybody who would dare even to touch the great king. The ministers kept
silent and the king, intent on getting the answer somehow, yelled, "Do
not be dumb! How should I punish the person who pulls my beard? Tell me
frankly. I know you have the answer. Speak out!" The ministers now
decided to display their loyalty to the king and break the silence
because they realised the danger if the king were to fly into fury.
Therefore they started suggesting extremely horrible punishments to be
imposed on any who pulled the emperor's beard.
"His head should be crushed to pieces" said one minister. Then
another courtier suggested "He should be hanged alive till he dies!".
"The royal elephant must trample his head flat on the ground!" another
put forward his idea of punishment.
In spite of all that the emperor did not seem to be satisfied with
these suggestions to the utter confusion of ministers and courtiers who
came out with inhuman and cruel punishments. Finally the emperor turned
to Raja Birbal who was clearly seen keeping a pronounced silence through
out the discussion and asked for his honest opinion of the matter, "Give
him a bag of sweet meats" Birbal said unhesitatingly. Needless to state
the most extreme extent of shock in the people who wondered whether
Birbal was joking and showing his oversmartness fearlessly.Amazingly
enough, the king displayed no sign of exasperation but instead, he
smiled and asked Birbal, "Please tell me Birbal. I don't understand why
you suggest a "Punishment of sweets" for such a culprit!"
Birbal smiled mildly and said "who would be brave enough to pull your
beard but your little prince? When he is playing on your lap, doesn't he
sport with your beard? Although nobody has the courage to look in to
your face, your little prince, in his playfulness, may sometimes slap
your face. Are you going to punish an innocent child for such innocent
actions? Does he cuddle up to you because he wishes to pain you? No, but
because he loves you! So why not give him a "sweet punishment?"The
emperor was once again impressed by the gumption of his favourite
courtier and cast a blank look over the other ministers who were still
looking on with nothing to say.