joins a small group of Presidents who have appeared in comic
books over the years, including Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan,
George Bush, FDR, and of course, John F. Kennedy who met
both Superman and Superboy.And the appearance makes sense in
another regard, as it was reported recently that Obama
enjoys comics, and collects both Spider-Man and Conan, the
Barbarian. |
may have just met with President Bush in reality, but in comics, Barack
Obama has just met the Savage Dragon. That's correct - though he has
only had the term "President-Elect" before his name for one week, Barack
Obama is already meeting comic book characters. In comparison, it took
Kennedy years to meet Superman. In a strip exclusive to The Chicago
Tribune's "Geek to Me" blog in its Red Eye section, Erik Larsen's Dragon
shared a handshake with the President-Elect as Obama himself made note
of a change in the Dragon's status quo. He's rejoining the Chicago
Police Department after a twelve year absence. Officially, Dragon will
rejoin the force in March's Savage Dragon #145, when he rejoins the
force once again to take on the Vicious Circle.
"Writing and drawing Savage Dragon as a cop after nearly twelve years
feels good right," Larsen told the Tribune. "It's a homecoming of sorts
and it's a joy to be back." The appearance makes sense of course, as
Larsen had the Dragon endorse Obama for President in September's issue
#137, a move for which the creator caught ire from fans who felt that
comics and politics should not meet. While some fans swore that the
issue would be their last of Savage Dragon, Larsen, in speaking with
Newsarama, chuckled the upset off as a tempest in a teapot, pointing out
that, while his character would occasionally reflect the feelings of his
creator, the endorsement was related to the story, in that the Dragon's
popularity was at an all time low, and he would try and buoy his image
by linking himself to any shining star.
Yet Larsen joked with the Tribune, saying, "I think Savage Dragon is
what put Obama over the top." Politics is not new subject for Savage
Dragon, as the Dragon did run for President himself - and won - well,
the Supreme Court stripped him of the position, but still. Obama joins a
small group of Presidents who have appeared in comic books over the
years, including Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, FDR, and of
course, John F. Kennedy who met both Superman and Superboy. And the
appearance makes sense in another regard, as it was reported recently
that Obama enjoys comics, and collects both Spider-Man and Conan, the
Barbarian. |